
SQL - How to assign a record in a variable

AIM : Convert a resultset to XML and assign the result to a variable Result Set : M000017690 324067342 324067349 324067355 324154449 Converted XML : <Products> <Product ProductId="324067342" /> <Product ProductId="324067349" /> <Product ProductId="324067355" /> <Product ProductId="324154449" /> <Product ProductId="M0000176...

Parsing XML: Colon in my element causes XPath to miss it

I have an XML document that I load in and try to search with XPath. The root node in this file is <t:Transmission xmlns:t='urn:InboundShipment'> and the file end is properly closed with </t:Transmission>. My problem is that I cannot walk the tree without using a descendant axis. In other words, I can do: SelectSingleNode("//Transactio...

How do I Pivot on an XML column's attributes in T-SQL

I need to perform a pivot on an XML column in a table, where the XML contains multiple elements with a number of attributes. The attributes in each element is always the same, however the number of elements will vary. Let me give an example... FormEntryId | FormXML | DateCreated =========...

How do I get subset of a Java XML org.w3c.dom.Document ?

I have a XML org.w3c.dom.Document object. It looks sorta like this: <A> <B> <C/> <D/> <E/> <F/> </B> <G> <H/> <H/> <J/> </G> </A> How can I convert the Document object so that it strips off the root node and returns another Document object subset (selected by name) that looks like th...

Trouble Parsing Atom feed with jQuery

I have an Atom feed like this... <?xml version="1.0"?> <feed xml:base="http://earthquake.usgs.gov/" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss"&gt; <updated>2009-10-12T14:47:25Z</updated> <title>USGS M2.5+ Earthquakes</stitle> <subtitle>Real-time, worldwide earthquake list for the...

Document specification in markup language?

I am not sure if this makes sense so apologies before hand: is there a markup language specifically for creating document specifications? For example, if instead of giving people a template Word document for a given document they need to create, supply them with the specification in the markup language on what the document has to contain...

JiBX binding - root object extends an object

Is even possible to bind an root object with super fields? I have quite complicated entity (entities) to bind. I am already lost with it :) This is my code situation: public class CoreRestWrapper { private Integer page; private Integer perPage; } public class UserWrapper extends CoreRestWrapper { private Collection<UserCV...

Sharepoint ListTemplate Multiple Content Types - Ref Fields

I am trying to create a list template in SharePoint Feature using CAML. I have two content types "News" and "News Release" they both share two fields called Overview and Description. I have been reading that the "listtemplate" caml element does not automatically add the fields from the content types, you need to specify all the fields. ...

Deserializing using XElement

I had to write my own deserializer, because XmlSerializer and DataContractSerializer aren't good for my needs. So, here's the base of my deserializer: static BaseElement ParseXml(XElement element) { var e = (Element)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("Elements." + element.Name)); foreach (var attr in element....

How to access parent element in Scala XML

The scala.xml package represents XML with nodes of a labelled tree. But is this tree unidirectional in Scala 2.7, as there seems to be no way to access the Elem parent of a given Elem? The same seems to apply for parent Document. For example, in XOM you have getParent and getDocument accessors to navigate towards the root of the tree. Ca...

MS Excel XML format accessing with Ole connection

How can I access a XML Excel format file with an OLE Connection? Can it be done? I have accessed the normal Excel Format 2003 xlsx file but when I generate the Excel XML format I can't access with OLE. Thanks in advance for any help. I can open the file manually in Excel but I'm unable to connect to it through the OleDb Connection. ...

jQuery cache XML

Hi, I'm trying to create a portfolio site where my pieces reside in an XML file. I'd like to store the XML DOM in a JavaScript variable so that I can access it without making a call to the server every time a user clicks to load a new piece. Right now I have: $(document).ready( function() { xml = getXML(); }); function getXML() { ...

PHP - How to parse this xml?

I'm trying to parse the XML below so that I wind up with an array that looks like the sample included... I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get the attributes inside of the tags to output the way I want it to... The XML <cust rid="999999" memberid="12345" lname="Doe" fname="John"> <address memberid="12345" address1="1234 M...

How do I parse XML responses from google checkout?

I have seen the XML response from google checkout when an order is processed here. I have also seen the google responsehandlerdemo.php file which I've copied below. I cannot figure out where I am supposed to insert the code that I will use to update the inventory levels on my shop. Can someone point me there? I also am not quite sure h...

DOMDocument parsing (php)

Hello, I am parsing an xml file from an API which I have converted into a DOMDocument in php. This is mostly fine but one problem I have is when I do this: $feeditem->getElementsByTagName('extra'); as part of a forall statment and the element extra doesn't exist in one of the feeditems I am iterating through in the forall condition th...

LINQ to XML: applying an XPath

Can someone tell me why this program doesn't enumerate any items? Does it have something to do with the RDF namespace? using System; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Xml.XPath; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var doc = XDocument.Load("http://seattle.craigslist.org/sof/index.rss"); foreach (...

XML/MySQL: Storing complete XML in MySQL and performing CRUD operations.

Is is possible to store directly complete XML file into MySQL db and perform CRUD operations on XML data present in MySQL ? Scenario: I am getting XML file which has product related details like product_id, product_spec, product_price and many more and I have to store all this details into MySQL database and whenever user enter portal ...

ReCaptcha or Other Captcha on html form

I'm trying to add captcha control to a form which is rendered using xml parser. (XML Parser gets all values from database and creates a include file with form which is appended at bottom of required page) This form makes a http post to a different page when submit button is clicked and then that page validates data and submits data to da...

(.Net) suggestions on making a config file for a program?

I'm not necessarily referring to app.configs, but a custom configuration file that would store my program's state whenever a user hits a "save" button. In my example, it's a UI builder that allows the user to choose which "fields" are to be displayed on the left and right columns in a two-column screen, along with the order of the field...

Complete XML Schema Validation

I am looking for a tool that will tell me all of the XML Schema validation failures. All the other tools I have looked at so just tell me the first couple, and then I have to fix those before it will tell me the next errors. I realize that some errors may be dependent on other nodes being in different orders, but things like data types...