
Regular expression to find instances of strings within XML nodes

I need to find all instances of strings within an xml node. To be more specific, I'd like to parse some XAML and place all strings within certain controls (label for one) and set them as attributes instead. So, instead of this <Label>My string</Label> I want this: <Label Content="My string"></Label> The regular expression I have ...

WYSIWYG editor for XSL transformed XML (outputting back into XML)

I have just found this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms977865.aspx This MSDN article describes Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 behavior used to implement a demo WYSIWYG XML document editor, shows features that make WYSIWYG XML content editing easy and familiar to word processor users, and makes native XML editing available ...

Process 40M of documents (and index) as fast as possible

Hi everibody, Have a good day. So my problem is basically this, I need to process 37.800.000 files. Each "file" is really more than that, what I have is: 37.800.000 XML documents. More than 120.000.000 of Tiff images. Each of the XML documents reference one or more Tiff images and provides a set of common keywords for the images it...

PHP library for parsing XML with a colons in tag names?

I've been trying to use SimpleXML, but it doesn't seem to like XML that looks like this: <xhtml:div>sample <xhtml:em>italic</xhtml:em> text</xhtml:div> So what library will handle tags that look like that (have a colon in them)? ...

Getting certain attribute value in an element with multiple values using xpath PHP

Hi, i'm playing around with flickr API lately and having difficulties in parsing their response to extract the info i need, here is a sample response: − <rsp stat="ok"> − <sizes canblog="0" canprint="0" candownload="1"> <size label="Square" width="75" height="75" source="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2306/1555710063_d2c1e7e7cd_s.jpg" ...

styling based on element attribute ?

I'm transforming xml into wordml using xslt. I would like to be able to format content of table cell differently if attribute of element that carries content of that cell is different. For example, I have following xslt: <xsl:template match="/ns0:RootElement/ns0:Items/ns0:Item0"> <w:tc> <w:tcPr> <w:tcW w:w="2268" w:t...

Disable logging in Java Xerces ("[Fatal Error] :1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog.")

My application expects that it will sometimes try to parse invalid XML documents. I currently catch the "SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog." exception, which works fine. However, Xerces still feels the need to print it's own message to the console: [Fatal Error] :1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog. Is there any wa...

Parse XML in (J)Ruby and Insert to Database

I'm fairly new to (J)Ruby - have written a few tiny "demo apps" in RoR but haven't really gotten right into the syntax though. I have an app at the moment written in Java that takes an XML file, parses it and then inserts it into a MySQL database using Hibernate. What I'd really like to do is see if I can port this to JRuby, - mainly as...

Regex: Remove empty-element tags for xml

I'd like to replace all self-closed elements to the long syntax (because my web-browser is tripping on them). Example <iframe src="http://example.com/thing"/&gt; becomes <iframe src="http://example.com/thing"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt; I'm using python's flavor of regex. ...

Working with disconnected data

What solution/s are recommended for working disconnected? I have a web application (asp.net) 3.5. Part of the application consists of visiting clients at home and completing a questionaire. My question is, how should I collect this data if no connection to the internet. I presume store as xml document, what do I use for the UI applic...

Getting error while reading xml file

Hi friends hope all r doing well. I have a problem while reading xml file in vb.net i.e. giving error message "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 860, position 18." My xml file with error while reading is as follows. Actually i am saving this file using following code in vb.net from httpwebresponse. Try Dim strUrl As Stri...

loading xml data into database using datatable

Hi friends hope all are doing well. I am facing one problem while saving data into sql server database from xml file using datatable using vb.net i.e. "Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid". But not always getting error may be based on xml file. Below follows one of my xml files. I used to generate xml file randoml...

Validate Xml in Flex3 Air

Hi, I am opening xml in air application . i need to validate opening xml(Xml need to have specific node), for this some of them telling there is XSD validation on vb and .net , but i need to know, likewise any validation tool is available in Air ?. Thanks in Advance ...

XStream, CircularReferenceException

Please consider this code. Is it using Circular Reference? If not why am I getting CircularReferenceException, while enabling NO_REFERENCE mode in XStream. Anyone, please clarify the thing. @XStreamAlias("BalanceEnquiry") public class BalanceEnquiry extends EAIRequest { @XStreamImplicit private List<BalanceEnquiry.Detail> detai...

Cannot validate against multiple xsd schemas in C#

I wanna verify a digitally signed xml against its schema definition while this schema actually contains this tag <xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd" id="schema"/> Then I tried to load schemas: XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.Schemas.Add(null...

How to read xml file and save using httprequest and response

EXACT DUPLICATE of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1576534/how-to-read-xml-data-from-a-url-by-using-vb-net-and-save/ Hi friends hope all r doing well. Regarding this question i got some suggestions, but how to implement is confusion. Can any one help to implement so that the problem can solve. Try Dim strUrl As String = "h...

Docbook, Images, ANT

Hello! :-) I'm trying to convert a DocBook XML - File via XSLT to HTML. The XML - File contains an image and this is were i get the following error. build-html: [xslt] Transforming into C:\dev\DocBook\DocBookmitXML\output [xslt] Processing C:\dev\DocBook\DocBookmitXML\src\BurndownChart.jpg to C:\dev\DocBook\DocBookmitXML\outp...

What is the best way to validate XML against XML Schema, parsing it and storing data back to MySQL Database using Perl ?

Dear SO Readers, Currently I am working with XML and I want to know what would be best approach to validate XML against XML Schema, parse it and store it back to MySQL database using Perl ? I think of XML::Xerces for parsing purpose but not sure if it's the right approach. Note: I have very large XML file >1GB size. ...

Problem using flex to read XML in e4x format from SOAP webservice

UPDATE: The problem was not to do with namespaces or flex at all. My webservice was returning the wrapped xml. I was blaming the language I had least experience with before questioning the java... I have a basic soap webservice that I am having trouble reading the result from in flex. I'm a solid java programmer and just tryi...

Any particular advantage to using json over xml with Flash

Well is there? From everything I've read, it seems like the answer is no,but was wondering if anybody has a differing opinion. ...