
IE giving error on XML code embeded with PHP.

This code works fine on browsers other than IE. echo " <item> <link>http://www.example.com/showrssdetails.php?id=".$row[recordid]."&lt;/link&gt; <guid isPermaLink=\"true\">http://www.example.com/showrssdetails.php.php?id=".$row[recordid]."&lt;/guid&gt; <title>".$row[company]."</title> <description><! [CDATA[".$row[desiredcandidate]."]]>...

mini Rich Text editor

ok, so i made a mini Rich text editor and if i want to insert a link i insert into the textarea the html like this: <a href=http://google.com&gt;go to google</a>, it works just fine but when i reopen that text for editing i don't get the complete html tag...all i get is go to google without <a href=http://google.com&amp;gt; and </a>. i h...

xml parsing in vb.net

I have an xml formatted document that looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1250"?> < Recipe> < Entry name="Stuffed Red Cabbage" ethnicity="Slavic" /> < Cook_Time Hrs="1" Mins="30" /> < Ingredients> < Cabbage Amount="1" Measurement="head" /> < Egg Amount="1" Measurement="unit" /> ...

xml and html escaping special characters

i store my article in a xml file, so if i write into it special characters "' xml automatically escapes this characters and when i get(via PHP) the xml content i get something like \". so if i write into xml "hello dude" my html will look like this \"hello dude\" how can i get the xml content like it was initially inserted("hello dude")...

Zend Framework And XML/XSLT Integration

Hello, I'm trying to use XML files and XSL stylesheets instead of ordinary phtml templates in Zend Framework. I'm not sure how to implement it, though. What I've tried to do so far: instead of .phtml views I use .xsl stylesheets I use .xml layouts Here is what I do in the init() method of each controller: $this->view->xmlStyleshee...

Parsing Twitter feeds in C

I'm trying to figure out how to get the most recent latitude and longitude of a Twitter user (from the new Geo API data, ie the <geo:point> tag, you can see how they look like on my twitter user timeline xml feed). I also need to retrieve how old that data is (in seconds) from the <created_at> tag. I'm trying to write this in C to use w...

How much is too much data for and XML file, and what are some file based database alternatives?

I'm writing an application that keep track of a library of music, and I need a way to store the list of tracks, albums and other data. Usually for something like this I would use an XML file to save the data. And then I would use an ADO.NET DataTable to manipulate the data. But this program could potentially be saving a large number of d...

Should I be using XML + Stylesheets vs. XHTML and CSS?

I have been developing web apps for a while now and for the past year I have been really exploring as many technologies as possible. I know some people are creating pages using XML and XSLT or maybe css style sheets; however, it seems to me that the trends are still not moving in direction. Plus it seems less functional/easy than XHTML/C...

convert xml to excel with multiple worksheet.

Hi.. if I export the below xml to excel 2007...i am able to get the excel sheet correctly. <Workbook> <Worksheet > <MyXml> <New A="111" B="222" /> </MyXml> <MyXml> <New A="111" B="222" /> </MyXml> </Worksheet> </Workbook> But I need a workbook with more than one worksheet...How do i specify the xml in this case ? ...

can't import xml to dataset if xmlnode has attribute?

Hi: I am using the following codes to read xml file to a datagridview in c#: newDataSet.ReadXml(filepath); dataGridView3.DataSource = newDataSet; dataGridView3.DataMember = "aaa"; and my xml file is like this: <root> <aaa> <Param_1>1</Param_1> <Param_1>2</Param_1> <Param_1>3</Param_1> </aaa> </root> I can...

Create XML subtree from string in LINQ?

I want to modify all the text nodes using some functions in C#. I want to insert another xml subtree created from some string. For example, I want to change this <root> this is a test </root> to <root> this is <subtree>another</subtree> test </root> I have this piece of code, but it inserts text node, I want to create xml subtree ...

lxml[.objectify] documentElement tagName

I'm receiving data packets in XML format, each with a specific documentRoot tag, and I'd like to delegate specialized methods to take care of those packets, based on the root tag name. This worked with xml.dom.minidom, something like this: dom = minidom.parseString(the_data) root = dom.documentElement deleg = getattr(self,'elem_' + str(...

Remove Duplicate Line in Vim?

I'm trying to use VIM to remove a duplicate line in an XML file I created. (I can't recreate the file because the ID numbers will change.) The file looks something like this: <tag k="natural" v="water"/> <tag k="nhd:fcode" v="39004"/> <tag k="natural" v="water"/> I'm trying to remove one of the duplicate k="natural" v="wat...

How do I bind a TreeView node to a specific view in an Explorer-like UI?

I'm sure there is a simple answer to this but I can't seem to find it. Most examples for binding TreeView nodes are about using a ListView to show the node's details. In the scenario I am working on I've got a TreeView data bound to an Xml document using a simple MVVM pattern. As each node is selected in the TreeView I want to show a dif...

xml version 1.0 encoding utf-8 in php?

Hi, I am trying to show xml version 1.0 encoding utf-8 in php, I have tried : echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'; but this doesnt validate on w3c, when using it in xhtml, the php shows an error. Whats the easiest way to fix this? With it validating Thanks error on w3c: Line 5, Column 46: character "'" not allowed in p...

XSLT not working properly

Hi everyone, I have an XML file that I want to transform using an XSLT. It only works when I remove all the attributes from the following part of the XML file: <DiscoveryClientData xmlns="http://www.frontrange.com/centennial/discovery" SchemaVersion="0.6" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocat...

how to create hyperlinks when transforming xml to xsl-fo using xlst?

I would like to transform any http/s based url inside random text to be automatically tagged with xsl-fo , where the random text might contains one or more http/s based url. So the http/s url is not part of an attribute or the only content of a node, but part of text within a node. For example: the source <misc> <comment>Yada..yada....

Ignoring empty XML nodes in JavaScript

I'm loading in an XML file in JavaScript, and once I've done that, I'm iterating through all of the Document's childNodes, which are all of the XML elements in the document. The problem that I'm having is that I need to ignore elements which are just not real elements, but rather newlines, tabs, etc. Right now I'm doing the following: f...

POI 3.5 WorkBook Exception for XML creation?

Hi, I have downloaded latest POI 3.5 and tried to run sample application for creation of excel sheet.But it is always giving error while exceuting some code like: enter code here Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); //or new HSSFWorkbook(); Generated Exception all the time is: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundEr...

Reddit RSS feed returning less items when requested through HTTP?

I am trying to read data from an RSS feed which has 25 items. When I request the RSS file through HTTP it says there are only 20 items. function test($location) { $doc = new DomDocument(); $doc->load($location); $items = $doc->getElementsByTagName('item'); return $items->length; } // Prints 20 echo test('http://www.red...