
How can I read information from an XML file and set them to attributes in a class?

I have this code: public class Hero { XmlReader Reader = new XmlTextReader("InformationRepositories/HeroRepository/HeroInformation.xml"); XmlReaderSettings XMLSettings = new XmlReaderSettings(); public ImageSource GetHeroIcon(string Name) { XMLSettings.IgnoreWhitespace = true; XMLSettings.IgnoreC...

Please help me read a string from my XML file and just print it out on a MessageBox.

Here's my XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Hero> <Legion> <Andromeda> <HeroType>Agility</HeroType> <Damage>39-53</Damage> <Armor>3.1</Armor> <MoveSpeed>295</MoveSpeed> <AttackType>Ranged(400)</AttackType> <AttackRate>.75</AttackRate> <Strength>16</Strength> <Agility...

XML file editing problem

I've a directory consisting of .xml files only, installed by a third party application. While I can read and edit some of the XML files, some are not readable in Notepad++/Notepad. In Notepad++, I see for one of them. These files are not corrupted, for sure. I somewhere read that this might be encrypted XML? EDIT: I tried 'file' com...

How can I use XML::Simple to configure HTML::FormFu?

I assume you can use XML::Simple with HTML::FormFu because FromFu uses Config::Any to load it's config data. However, I can't seem to find any sample xml configs being used with HTML::FormFu. Not only am I getting an error. I'm not sure my xml is structured correctly to create the desired form. For example, on options, formfu wants an a...

Xpath builder in Python

I'm building relatively complicated xpath expressions in Python, in order to pass them to selenium. However, its pretty easy to make a mistake, so I'm looking for a library that allows me to build the expressions without messing about with strings. For example, instead of writing locator='//ul[@class="comment-contents"][contains(., "Wes...

Access route not found when trying to call a file added in my solution explorer.

public class Hero { XPathNavigator Navigator; XPathDocument HeroInformation; public string GetHeroIcon(string Name) { XDocument HeroInformation = XDocument.Load("InformationRepositories/HeroRepository/HeroInformation.xml"); return HeroInformation.Descendants(Name).Single().Element("Ic...

How to add web-services as a layer on the top of sockets written in C/C++?

Is it possible to exchange web-services over socket programs written in C/C++? The data to exchange are in the from of xml/soap message. ...

How to extract the first hit elements from an XML NCBI BLAST file?

Hello all, Im trying to extract only the first hit from an NCBI xml BLAST file. next I would like to get only the first HSP. at the final stage I would like to get these based on best score. to make things clear here a sample of the xml file: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE BlastOutput PUBLIC "-//NCBI//NCBI BlastOutput/EN" "http://www.n...

DataTable does not support schema inference from Xml.?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <PHP_Adapter> <Adapter> <ID>11</ID> <Provider>22</Provider> <Connectstring>33</Connectstring> </Adapter> </PHP_Adapter> This my Xml file what wrong? bool CheckAdapterExist(string aid) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.ReadXml(axml); MessageBox.Sh...

Custom sort xml bound DataGridView

I have a DataGridView bound to xml file. I would like to sort by first column and treat values as integers (not strings). XmlDataDocument xml = new XmlDataDocument(); xml.DataSet.ReadXml("file.xml"); dataGridView.DataSource = new BindingSource(xml.DataSet, "Item"); Sort(IComparer) doesn't work Sort(DataGridViewColumn,ListSortDirecti...

What's an elegant and easy way to construct XML from a custom object?

I need to construct an XML transaction of the following format: <RateV3Request USERID="MyId"> <Package ID="1ST"> <Service>ALL</Service> <FirstClassMailType>LETTER</FirstClassMailType> <ZipOrigination>06226</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>06231</ZipDestination> <Pounds>0</Pounds> <Ounc...

Compare XML in PHP without hashing

I am reading an XML feed and would like to compare to an old version to check for updates. My problems at the moment are that I can't seem to make a copy of a SimpleXML object and the other problem is I'm not sure I can directly compare them. This is my code as it stands, feel free to shoot me down if it's rubbish. I'm obviously just tes...

What do I need to know about XML Signatures to get SAML working?

At work we have a web app that we'll need to interface with another company's web app using Single Sign On validated by SAML. Our web apps are written in PHP, and it's obviously irrelevant what language choice the other company is using. Nonetheless, I've needed to write a simple API that this other company can send SOAP requests to with...

Java: Saving StreamResult to a file.

Hi, I am doing some data conversion(like csv) to xml with SAX then using transformer in Java. The result is in StreamResult, and I am trying to save this result to a file.xml but I can't find way to save StreamResult into file. am I doing this all wrong? ...

XML: Is this valid?

Is the following XML declaration valid? <message metadata="SomeMetaData" xsi:nil="true"/> where xsi is defined as "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" If I am trying to create the above data for transfer through a ASP.NET Web Service Application in C#, how do I go about coding the above? Say for example I have a web service m...

having trouble generating xml attribute with java sax

Hi, I am using SAX api in java to convert csv to xml. I can generate simple xml file without attribute like <item> <item_id>1500</item_id> <item_quantity>4</item_quantity> </item> but I can't find way to set id and quanity as attribute to item element, like <item id=1500 quantity=4/> All SAX aip seem to offer is startElement, c...

How to find XSD root element in C#

Hello Good day. As i know. There is a root element in XML file. But from the XSD file structure, it is not easy to get the root element value. Is there any method to do it? (I wouldn't like to take use of hard code to find XSD root element value in my project. i want to find the root element of "RootValueHere" <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=...

Trouble with multiple songs in Flex - AS3

Hello all, I am trying to create a mini media player AIR app that allows users to view videos, images, and songs loaded in through an external XML file, while also allowing the user to browse through their own files and play any media through the viewer. As of right now, I can get videos to stop playing when an image thumb is clicked, ...

What is the best way to represent an XML file in a Design document?

What is the best way to represent an XML file in a design document? For table we typically show it as Name Type CustomerID {GUID} For XML do we just paste the XML in the document? ...

How can I split a table vertically into two tables in XSL?

If I have the following table: <table> <tr><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>6</td></tr> <tr><td>A</td><td>B</td><td>C</td><td>D</td><td>E</td><td>F</td></tr> </table> How would I split this in XSLT so that I end up with the following: <table> <tr><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td></tr> <tr><td>A</td><td>B...