
AJAX request to get results from Google

I want to modify the code in this AJAX example to get results from Google. I take it out the line with the Random() method call, but how do I work with the query string in the JavaScript? How can I best do this using XMLHttpRequest to manually build the request (this is for testing so has to be manually done, as opposed to using a frame...

Easy way to get data between tags of xml or html files in python?

I am using Python and need to find and retrieve all character data between tags: <tag>I need this stuff</tag> I then want to output the found data to another file. I am just looking for a very easy and efficient way to do this. If you can post a quick code snippet to portray the ease of use. Because I am having a bit of trouble u...

replacing xml tag with html value

Hi! I'm working with c# .Net I have a question, I'm loading Xml file with XDocument.xDoc.Load(file), but it fails because in my content I also have xml tags: Example: <root><abc><deg></abc></root> My problem is that the Load function treats the <deg> as an Xml tag without a matching "</deg>"... My question is, how can i replace th...

PHP namespace simplexml problems

Evening guys. Firstly to say, I have read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1133897/how-do-i-parse-xml-containing-custom-namespaces-using-simplexml. I'm parsing an XML document from a source not mind, and they use a custom namespace. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:moshtix="http://www.moshtix.com.au"&g...

How can i remove umlauts from XML?

i have tried to remove umlaults from XML.i have also used some code like this but still it's not working so please help me in my task. NSString *something = [self base64StringFromData:CDATABlock length:[CDATABlock length]]; NSData *pageData=[something dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSString *webpage = [NSString stringWith...

tips on creating RSS/XML easily in python

I have a list if these 3 items: title and link and a html based description and I am looking for a library or external tool which can be fed these 3 items and create a rss xml page. Does such a thing exist? ...

Using xpath and rdlc report

Hi, i will try to explain the problem very clear. I user MicroSoftReportViewer where i load my report. But before loading it i want to change somethings.Till here everything is ok. I want to use xpath but when i load the rdlc( xml ) file using XMLDocument the xpath expression does not work. The only xpath that work is "\" witch gets root...

How to order simpleXML loop

Hi , I neeed to order my loop by the id my xml doc looks like this <gig id="16"> <date>Fri. 23rd Apr</date> <venue>Sneaky Pete's</venue> <area>Edinburgh</area> <telephone>www.ticketweb.co.uk</telephone> <price>£10</price> <time>Time TBA</time> </gig> So as you can see I nee...

Finding the value of a child in a specific attribute

<data> <gig id="1"> <date>December 19th</date> <venue>The Zanzibar</venue> <area>Liverpool</area> <telephone>Ticketline.co.uk</telephone> <price>£6</price> <time>Time TBA</time> </gig> <gig id="2"> <date>Sat. 16th Jan</date> <venue>Celtic Connection, Classic Grand</venue> <area>Glasgow</area> ...

Transforming a sequence of tags using XSL

I'm kind of new to using XSL. I'm trying to convert an XML file into another XML file with a different structure using XSL. The input section of the XML goes like this: <tag> <Keyword>Event: Some Text</Keyword> <Keyword>Group: Some Text</Keyword> <Keyword>Other: Some Text</Keyword> </tag> I would like the desired output to...

XML Standard for Real Estate property

Is there a standard XML format for property listings? I've found a couple: reaxml1 reaxml.realestate.com.au/docs/reaxml1-xml-format.html RELML www.xml.com/98/08/real/relml-dtd.html but which is best / most used? Has anyone created xml property listings using these? ...

auto increment for simpleXML

Hi I have my simpleXML script creating new element's in a xml file but I need the attribute to be a auto incremented id for example <gig id="1"> <date>December 19th</date> <venue>The Zanzibar</venue> <area>Liverpool</area> <telephone>Ticketline.co.uk</telephone> <price>£6</price> <tim...

Extract a value from a dtsx file with Powershell

Sql Server Integration Services packages are stored as xml files with a dtsx extension. I need to be able to extract their build numbers with Powershell. The relevant part at the top of the file looks like- <?xml version="1.0"?> <DTS:Executable xmlns:DTS="www.microsoft.com/SqlServer/Dts"> <DTS:ExecutableType="MSDTS.Package.1"> <DTS:Prop...

XML Elements vs. Attributes

Possible Duplicate: Should I use Elements or Attributes in XML? I have never been able to figure out when to use xml attributes. I always use elements. I just read this w3schools article. The article states that it is bad practice to use attributes because: attributes cannot contain multiple values (child elements can) at...

problems geting values from xml

Im trying to get some values from the below xml feed <?xml version="1.0" ?> <SEARCH> <LOCATION> <NAME>Terrance</NAME> <COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY> </LOCATION> <FOUND> <TOTALOFOUND> <TOTAL>3</TOTAL> </TOTALOFOUND> <PLACE> <ADDRESS>IL Road</ADDRESS> <NAME>shop1</NAME> <POSTCODE>5</POSTCODE> <CAT...

libxml2 - validate XML document against schema. Retrieve schema url from the actual XML file.

Hi, I need to validate a xml file against DTD schema. I found out that I need to pass the source of schema file for validation. Is that possible to make libxml2 find the declaration of schema in XML file and do the validation on its own, or do I have to retrieve the declaration manually? Thanks in advance Michal ...

Compress an XML file with javascript?

I have found the DIY Map.. an excellent map tool if you are ever looking for one. Aside from how fantastic it is... the associated XML file can get fairly large (it contains map setting, country names etc). I was wondering if it were possible to compress it and have javascript uncompress it on the users side.... There is a lot of repeti...

XML in COBOL with nested tables and varying children

Is it possible to use XML GENERATE to create XML with multi-level nested elements of different sizes? For example: 01 SOURCE-REC. 05 REPEATING-PARENT OCCURS 5 TIMES. 10 PARENT-NAME PIC X(7). 10 CHILD-COUNT PIC 9. 10 REPEATING-CHILD OCCURS 1 TO 5 TIMES DEPENDING ON CHILD-COUNT. ...

c++ rapidxml node_iterator example?

Hi, I just started using rapidXML since it was recommended to me. Right now to iterate over multiple siblings i do this: //get the first texture node xml_node<>* texNode = rootNode->first_node("Texture"); if(texNode != 0){ string test = texNode->first_attribute("path")->value(); cout << test << endl; } //get all its sibling...

FLEX: XML to data array?

I need to get a grip on arrays and XML data but I'm having trouble understanding how to turn xml data into useful data. I was hoping these forums might provide some insight. I load my XML with this code: //set values for XML data file private var XML_URL:String = "http://www.mysite.com/media/locXML.xml"; private var locXML:XML = new XM...