
Attaching and Positioning Movieclips with XML in Flash

Hi, Im trying to build a script that attaches and positions an instance of a movieclip for each node of an xml sheet. However, I can't seem to get it to loop properly. The script is simply attaching and positioning a single movieclip according to the last node in the xml file. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?!! Here is my scrip...

How to read XML response from a URL in java,?

Hi . I need to write a simple function that takes a URL and processes the response which is XML or JSON, I have checked the Sun website https://swingx-ws.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList , but the HttpRequest object is to be found nowhere, is it possible to do this in Java? I`m writting a rich client end app. ...

Should I use Json or Xml in Silverlight

I'm communicating with several services from a SL component using both TCP sockets & HTTP web requests and we are discussing what (data) format to use - JSON or XML. I'm wondering what others have choosen and why? Cheers AWC ...

Flash XML Data, Display Node Title on Click

I am working on a Flash AS2 script that adds an instance of a movieclip for each node in an XML file. I have also included titles for each node in the XML file and I would like to display these when a user clicks on one of the individual movieclips. I have played around with clipevents and attachMovie but for the life of me I can't figur...

WPF - new idea of develop asp.net app?

hello, I am a student and in last semester i develop asp.net application - "Payment Helper for School" . In this new semester i will have subject "Graduation Project" and i thinking about develop my application. In my old app i use: ASP.NET web forms mssql 2008 database linq to query to db I achieved technologies above at good level ...

SXXP0003: Error reported by XML parser: Content is not allowed in prolog.

Hi , My XML file is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <T0020 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.safersys.org/namespaces/T0020V1 T0020V1.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.safersys.org/namespaces/T0020V1"&gt; <INTERFACE> <NAME>SAFER</NAME> <VERSION>04.02</VERS...

parsererror while AJAXing XML with jQuery

Hi, I'm getting a parsererror when using this ajax request in Internet Explorer (7 and 8). I'm using jquery 1.4.1 $.ajax({ url: 'data.xml', dataType: 'xml', contentType: 'text/xml', // also tried application/xml success: doFunction }); I read somewhere else that I should set the content type, but I don't know where. The cont...

Namespace Manager or XsltContext needed

i am trying to read the following and select a node in it <ns1:OrderInfo xmlns:ns1="http://xxxxxx Some URL XXXX"> <pricing someAttrHere> <childnodes> </pricing> </ns1:OrderInfo> . XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.Load(Server.MapPath("order.xml")); XmlNamespaceManager manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(d...

Flex Link not working

Hi, There this link in Flex that was working and now isnt... Flex is giving me a headache with this one because it is not throwing any errors either. In the script part of the XML I have this: private function onLinkClick( event:TextEvent ):void { var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest( event.text ); navi...

Creating XML data structure on iPhone

Is it correct, that there is no official API by Apple to create a well formed XML? I searched the web for a while but I just found some external frameworks to create XML data structures. I need it for a web service call and would prefer a native API by Apple. Of course I could just put together some Strings, but I think that's not the ...

Is there a way to catch and re-interpret a GridView update event when tied to an XmlDataSource?

I have a GridView tied to an XmlDataSource to take advantage of the edit/update/delete capabilities GridView inherently offers. XmlDataSource offers no update event handling so that must be performed manually. I have no problem with this. My problem is how/where can I catch this update event to perform my custom handling. ...

Get xpath of xml node within recursive function

Lets say i have some code to iterate through an XML file recursively like this: $xmlfile = new SimpleXMLElement('http://www.domain.com/file.xml',null,true); xmlRecurse($xmlfile,0); function xmlRecurse($xmlObj,$depth) { foreach($xmlObj->children() as $child) { echo str_repeat('-',$depth).">".$child->getName().": ".$subchild."\n"; ...

Reading XML from document with VB.net

I want to be able to read my XML document but I am a little lost how to. I cant really post my XML on here because it is just trying to use markup. Anyways, I have a root node that surrounds the whole object i want to read. From there, there are a few elements. 2 of those elements can have multiple instances. There will only be one objec...

NanoXML for J2ME

Hi Guys, I have been trying to figure out how to encode and decode stuff in java for almost a day now. I have followed this example. The problem is when I try to get the XML I have just built in the form of a string, I simply get an empty string. How ever, when I use the 'count' property, it prints the correct amount of nodes I have ins...

Relitve path for MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0 not working

I have this code which works but I need to stop using http in the string as it sometimes is on a https servers. Hence my wish to change it to a relative path e.g. Url = "../../path/to/file.asp" but when make the change to this code we get this error. msxml6.dll error '80072ee6' System error: -2147012890. I am sure I missing somethin...

NewValues are not showing up in RowUpdating event handler for GridView bound to XmlDataSource

I have a GridView bound to an XmlDataSource. When I switch to edit mode for a particular row and make some changes once I press the Update button for the changes to take effect the new values are not available in the GridViewUpdateEventArgs argument. Anyone ever experienced this behavior? ...

How to add file name in array from xml file in javascript while implementing Google Slideshow

I am trying to implement SlideShow of google in my site www.tapasya.co.in. You can see it on home page. The problem is that i m not being able to add images dynamically such that it can take all the images automatically from folder that i m specifying. Currently i have to add each nd every image in javascripts data array. Is it their ...

When do you escape a new line?

I found this W3C Note, but I find that xmlspy and my .net libraries do nothing to encode new lines with in an element's inner text. I also see this issue with single and double quoats as well. When should I be escaping a new line? ...

Adding extra fields to a FOAF file

I would like to store my personal data in a FOAF file on my own server. There is a group of us doing the same thing. We need a couple of custom fields that the standard FOAF implementation doesn't have, ie: availability. How can I add the availability field, and still keep the FOAF file validated? I guess I use the RDF format outside of...

Is there a way to configure rendering depth in JAXB?

Let's say I've got my domain objects laid out so the XML looks like this: <account id="1"> <name>Dan</name> <friends> <friend id="2"> <name>RJ</name> </friend> <friend id="3"> <name>George</name> </friend> </friends> </account> My domain object: @XmlRootElement public class Account { @XmlAttribut...