Hi, Im trying to build a script that attaches and positions an instance of a movieclip for each node of an xml sheet. However, I can't seem to get it to loop properly. The script is simply attaching and positioning a single movieclip according to the last node in the xml file. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?!!
Here is my scrip...
Hi . I need to write a simple function that takes a URL and processes the response which is XML or JSON, I have checked the Sun website https://swingx-ws.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList , but the HttpRequest object is to be found nowhere, is it possible to do this in Java? I`m writting a rich client end app.
I'm communicating with several services from a SL component using both TCP sockets & HTTP web requests and we are discussing what (data) format to use - JSON or XML.
I'm wondering what others have choosen and why?
I am working on a Flash AS2 script that adds an instance of a movieclip for each node in an XML file. I have also included titles for each node in the XML file and I would like to display these when a user clicks on one of the individual movieclips. I have played around with clipevents and attachMovie but for the life of me I can't figur...
I am a student and in last semester i develop asp.net application - "Payment Helper for School" . In this new semester i will have subject "Graduation Project" and i thinking about develop my application.
In my old app i use:
ASP.NET web forms
mssql 2008 database
linq to query to db
I achieved technologies above at good level ...
Hi ,
My XML file is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.safersys.org/namespaces/T0020V1 T0020V1.xsd"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.safersys.org/namespaces/T0020V1">
I'm getting a parsererror when using this ajax request in Internet Explorer (7 and 8).
I'm using jquery 1.4.1
url: 'data.xml',
dataType: 'xml',
contentType: 'text/xml', // also tried application/xml
success: doFunction
I read somewhere else that I should set the content type, but I don't know where. The cont...
i am trying to read the following and select a node in it
<ns1:OrderInfo xmlns:ns1="http://xxxxxx Some URL XXXX">
<pricing someAttrHere>
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(d...
There this link in Flex that was working and now isnt... Flex is giving me a headache with this one because it is not throwing any errors either.
In the script part of the XML I have this:
private function onLinkClick( event:TextEvent ):void {
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest( event.text );
Is it correct, that there is no official API by Apple to create a well formed XML?
I searched the web for a while but I just found some external frameworks to create XML data structures.
I need it for a web service call and would prefer a native API by Apple.
Of course I could just put together some Strings, but I think that's not the ...
I have a GridView tied to an XmlDataSource to take advantage of the edit/update/delete capabilities GridView inherently offers. XmlDataSource offers no update event handling so that must be performed manually. I have no problem with this.
My problem is how/where can I catch this update event to perform my custom handling.
Lets say i have some code to iterate through an XML file recursively like this:
$xmlfile = new SimpleXMLElement('http://www.domain.com/file.xml',null,true);
function xmlRecurse($xmlObj,$depth) {
foreach($xmlObj->children() as $child) {
echo str_repeat('-',$depth).">".$child->getName().": ".$subchild."\n";
I want to be able to read my XML document but I am a little lost how to. I cant really post my XML on here because it is just trying to use markup. Anyways, I have a root node that surrounds the whole object i want to read. From there, there are a few elements. 2 of those elements can have multiple instances. There will only be one objec...
Hi Guys, I have been trying to figure out how to encode and decode stuff in java for almost a day now.
I have followed this example. The problem is when I try to get the XML I have just built in the form of a string, I simply get an empty string. How ever, when I use the 'count' property, it prints the correct amount of nodes I have ins...
I have this code which works but I need to stop using http in the string as it sometimes is on a https servers. Hence my wish to change it to a relative path e.g. Url = "../../path/to/file.asp" but when make the change to this code we get this error.
msxml6.dll error '80072ee6'
System error: -2147012890.
I am sure I missing somethin...
I have a GridView bound to an XmlDataSource. When I switch to edit mode for a particular row and make some changes once I press the Update button for the changes to take effect the new values are not available in the GridViewUpdateEventArgs argument. Anyone ever experienced this behavior?
I am trying to implement SlideShow of google in my site www.tapasya.co.in. You can see it on home page. The problem is that i m not being able to add images dynamically such that it can take all the images automatically from folder that i m specifying.
Currently i have to add each nd every image in javascripts data array.
Is it their ...
I found this W3C Note, but I find that xmlspy and my .net libraries do nothing to encode new lines with in an element's inner text. I also see this issue with single and double quoats as well.
When should I be escaping a new line?
I would like to store my personal data in a FOAF file on my own server. There is a group of us doing the same thing. We need a couple of custom fields that the standard FOAF implementation doesn't have, ie: availability.
How can I add the availability field, and still keep the FOAF file validated? I guess I use the RDF format outside of...
Let's say I've got my domain objects laid out so the XML looks like this:
<account id="1">
<friend id="2">
<friend id="3">
My domain object:
public class Account {