
Parse XML in C++

i want to parse following xml tags <gains>5.640244e+03 5.640322e+03 5.640402e+03 5.640480e+03 5.640560e+03 </gains> using c++.. can any one help me?? ...

How does Scala XML support work?

I'm sure it should be obvious, but I could find any references on my question. What underlying technology does Scala XML uses? Is it something DOM-like or SAX-like or StAX like? What performance penalties should I be aware of when processing large documents? Is StAX still more efficient? Thanks in advance. ...

ontology representation

Can I represent ontology by using XML? Why it is considered better to represent ontology by RDF? ...

the DOM and XML functions for PHP5?

i've read that you could use the DOMdocument class in php5 to manipulate XML documents. and also the XML functions. where can i find documentation for the DOMdocument class with all its methods? and the same with XML functions? are these the only things i need to learn when handling (creating and reading) xml documents with php5? than...

how to represent xml as a tree

how to represent xml as an a tree is there any available tool ...

Application bundle on OS X does not work, file addressing problem.

Hey there My application requires a XML file to work and it doesn't even start without the file. Why I bundle my app as a JAR file it works fine as long as the XML file is placed in the same directory as the JAR file. When I'm exporting the project as an OS X application package, the application does not work. If I copy the XML file in...

android sdk main.out.xml parsing error?

I just started a new Android project, "WeekendStudy" to continue learning Android development and I got stumped compiling the default 'hello weekendstudy' compile / run. I think that I missed a step in configuration and setup, but I am at a loss to find out where. I have an AVD configured, set and launched. When I press 'run', the SDK...

email script for xml control data

So I bought this image uploader program called q-imageuploader.The company doesn't help at all with scripts to let you know a file was uploaded and the index file that is created is rewritten every time a file is uploaded. I want to and/or make an email script that will let me know that a file has been uploaded, or modify the existing ...

Looking for a good C++ based RSS API

I tried http://code.google.com/p/feed-reader-lib but holy cow, talk about difficult to build. It has a nightmare of dependencies on Xerces and Xalan, both of which seem to be choking under the new VisualStudio 2010 C++ compiler. I've wasted hours trying to build this thing which is a shame. Does anyone have anything a little easier to hi...

use DOMdocument to append elements in a XML-file?

i'm using the DOMdocument class in php whenever i want to create a XML document. but how could i open a XML document and add elements after an existing element in the XML document? its a very huge XML-document so it would be great to consider the most efficient way to do this. ...

HTML to XML conversion with C++

Is there a C++ code or library to convert a HTML document to a XML document? Thanks. ...

How to create delte function in XQuery

I met a problem when I try to create delete function,my current codes are: Xquery: declare variable $d as xs:string; declare variable $p as xs:string; let $xp := saxon:evaluate(concat("doc('",$d,"')",$p)) return document {for $n in doc($d)/* return qsx10p8:delete($n, $xp)} declare function qsx10p8:delete ($n as node(), $xp as node()...

How can I get an Android TableLayout to fill the screen?

Hi, I'm battling with Android's retarded layout system. I'm trying to get a table to fill the screen (simple right?) but it's ridiculously hard. I got it to work somehow in XML like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TableLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_height="fill_parent" a...

how do i stop beautiful soup from skipping rows while parsing?

while using beautifulsoup to parse a table in html every other row starts with <tr class="row_k"> instead of a tr tag without a class Sample HTML <tr class="row_k"> <td><img src="some picture url" alt="Item A"></td> <td><a href="some url"> Item A</a></td> <td>14.8k</td> <td><span class="drop">-555</span></td> <td> <img src="so...

how to save Django xml in a file?

Hi, i have this function in a view that shows the xml in the browser, but what i want is to save the xml content in a file, to use in a Flash gallery. def build_xml_menu(request): rubros = Rubro.objects.all() familias = Familia.objects.all() context_data = {'rubros': rubros, 'familias': familias} return render_to_res...

Building an XML editor in java and RichFaces

Hello I'm building an XML editor using the above technologies. In essence, I want to read in a whole XML file to a java object, and refer using this object to each element in the XML node tree (grouped into entries) to display the content locked, have separate padlocks for the user to click to 'unlock' an entry allow overwriting of the...

Sensible Way to Pass Web Data in XML to a SQL Server Database

After exploring several different ways to pass web data to a database for update purposes, I'm wondering if XML might be a good strategy. The database is currently SQL 2000. In a few months it will move to SQL 2005 and I will be able to change things if needed, but I need a SQL 2000 solution now. First of all, the database in question u...

parsing XML returned from server

<rsp stat="ok"> <image_hash>ducex</image_hash> <delete_hash>QXHbCECmDX</delete_hash> <original_image>http://i.imgur.com/ducex.jpg&lt;/original_image&gt; <large_thumbnail>http://i.imgur.com/ducexl.jpg&lt;/large_thumbnail&gt; <small_thumbnail>http://i.imgur.com/ducexs.jpg&lt;/small_thumbnail&gt; <imgur_page>http://imgur.com/ducex&lt;/imgu...

Trouble cross-referencing two XML child nodes in AS3

I am building a mini language translator out of XML nodes and Actionscript 3. I have my XML ready. It contains a series of nodes with two children in them. Here is a sample: <translations> <entry> <english>man</english> <cockney>geeza</cockney> </entry> <entry> <english>woman</english> <cockney>lily</cockney> </entry> </translat...

Using CGI to Generate both XML and XSLT

Is it possible for the XML output of one CGI script to make use of XSLT output generated by another script? I ask mainly because I can't test it right now. Basically, I'd like to know if it's possible or valid for some page.cgi to produce: <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.cgi?"?> <root> ... </root> ...