
Can anyone provide sample source code for xml parsing using photoshop javascript?

Here is a sample of a simple xml file I want to parse using photoshop javascript: <Pgen> <renderSettings> <imageWidth>1000</imageWidth> <imageHeight>600</imageHeight> <SAA>16</SAA> <bgColor>E1E1E1</bgColor> <filePrefix></filePrefix> <suffix>.jpg</suffix> </renderSettings> <coverPage> <template>//TEMPLATE/Product.psd</template> <title>20...

XSLT Attribute not being added

Trying to mark radio inputs as selected with XSLT 1.0 using the below xslt code but this does not produced the desired result desrired result <input type="radio" value="available" title="email" selected="selected" /> Actual output <input type="radio" value="available" title="email" selected /> Anyone any ideas why not please?...

How to propertly reference a namespace for Microsoft.Sdc.Tasks.XmlFile.GetValue

Hi, i want to use MSBuild to insert a custom xml element into web.config. After looking up online, i found such solution: 1) Store element in the .build file in projectextensions <ProjectExtensions> <CustomElement name="CustomElementName"> ... </CustomElement> </ProjectExtensions> 2) Retrieve the element with GetValue <Target na...

Use XSLT to arrange a list of items in a table

I have a linear list of items which I wish to arrange in a table using XSLT. I wish to specify the number of columns as a parameter. For example, if I have a list of 12 items, I can select a 2x6, 3x4, 4x3 or 6x2 table. I cannot see a general way to do this. I have seen this article: http://www.nedcomp.nl/support/origdocs/xml4/extracted...

Is it possible to serve up a resource as both JSON and Aspx with OpenRasta?

(I'm also asking this on the OpenRasta google group) Hey all, I've been using OpenRasta to convert an old web application we have into something RESTful. IS it possible to serve up a resource (or specifically a list of resources) as both .aspx and JSON? I have tried this but no matter what I try I keep getting the .aspx back ... any ...

Getting a certain node using DataSet

I have the following XML <xml> <ObsCont xCampo="field1"> <xTexto>example1</xTexto> </ObsCont> <ObsCont xCampo="field2"> <xTexto>example2</xTexto> </ObsCont> <ObsCont xCampo="field3"> <xTexto>example3</xTexto> </ObsCont> <field>information</field> </xml> Is there a way to get the content of "xTexto" ...

parse Linq To Xml with attribute nodes

I am having xml with following structure <ruleDefinition appId="3" customerId = "acf"> <node alias="element1" id="1" name="department"> <node alias="element2" id="101" name="mike" /> <node alias="element2" id="102" name="ricky" /> <node alias="element2" id="103" name="jim" /> </node> </ruleDefinition> ...

XML Schema: Restricting the valid type of an element to a subset of types derrived from an abstract type

I have the following type structure: Foo (abstract) Bar extends Foo Baz extends Foo Bar1 extends Bar Baz1 extends Baz I have two elements I'd like to restrict the types of: Is this possible in XSD? ...

Should I use Perl or PHP or something else for this project?

I'm about to embark on a project that will need to: Process XML Heavy text parsing of non-xml documents Insertion of data from xml and non-xml documents into a relational DB. Present processed data to user from db using webpages. Must handle load very well. The website will be subject to short periods of very heavy loads to pages (30...

New to Android - Drawing a view at runtime

HI all, I'm just getting started with developing for Android. I'm looking to port one of my iPhone applications, but I'm kind of at a loss for how to draw a view at runtime (a view not declared in the XML). Basically, I want to draw a simple rectangle, but then be able to manipulate its frame after being drawn. Sorry if this is a real...

Java XMLRPC request-String

Hi, I'm using Apache XML-RPC 3.1.2 to talk to an online-service. They have something special, they need a hash over the whole XML with a secret key for some kind of security, like this: String hash = md5(xmlRequest + secretKey); String requestURL = "http://foo.bar/?authHash=" + hash; So I need the XML-request like this: <?xml version=...

HTML encode on a XSLT

I would like to convert some value from a XML attribute into valid HTML with entities. So that for example the string "olá" from the XML would be transformed from the XSLT into "ol&#225;" I can't find any xsl function to do this. Any ideas ? ...

Automatically call httpservice.send

I have an application that displays the data from 3 xml files (auto generated from SQL table) using httpservices to get them. The first xml file is small and contains around 30 items, the second and thrid contain around 200-300 items each. The first dataset loads quickly and is invoked on creationComplete. The second and third are called...

Unexpected JAXB error

Hello, From the documentation it's clear I need to use the following to get a simple unmarshalling to occur from my XML file/schema: JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("PackageName"); where PackageName is my package name. I've looked on google for a bit to no avail, to find out why I'm then getting this runtime error: Line:C...

POST xml to php with apache2

I'm working on an application that receives XML data via POST, processes it with a PHP script, and returns an XML response. I'm getting the XML with this PHP code: $requestStr = file_get_contents('php://input'); $requests = simplexml_load_string($requestStr); which works fine on the Linux-based product hardware using nginx as the ser...

xml declaration not being omitted from page

I have an XSLT transform I am using to process an XML file, inserting it into the body of my aspx page. Reference the following for background information: background on xml/xslt I have the following in my xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" ...

Row as XML in SP

From SP i need to get a row as as XML (Includeing all fileds.) Is there any way we can get like below. Declare @xmlMsg varchar(4000) select * into #tempTable from dbo.order for xml raw select @xmlMsg = 1 from #tempTable print '@xmlMsg' + @xmlMsg Row i would like to get it as XML output. ...

Where can I find a list of the properties of Transformer.setOutputProperty?

I would like to know where I can find the list of properties settable by the method Transformer.setOutputProperty(String name, String value). ...

Sql Server xml column with Entity Framework - how to keep insignificant whitespaces

Sql server 2005 (even 2008) strips the insignificant whitespaces by default. To keep one can use the CONVERT funtction with the last argument as '1' (Ref. Article). How can we do the same thing in Entity Framework? thanks ...

Soap WSDL with Null

I need to specify a parameter in a function which is nullable. This doesn't work: <message name="SaveRequest"> <part name="serialNumber" nillable="true" type="xsd:int"/> </message> ...