
Is SharePoint's ListViewXML syntax based on a standard?

I had to change a ListView webpart and noticed the syntax that renders the HTML is not XSLT. Is this ListViewXML syntax documented somewhere or based on a standard? Example, <IfEqual> <Expr1> <GetVar Name="BlogPublishedCurrentDate"/> </Expr1> <Expr2> <Column Name="Publ...

setting default values for empty nodes

Hello all I need to transform a piece of XML, so that the value of every node in a list I specify is set to "0" for example: <contract> <customerName>foo</customerName> <contractID /> <customerID>912</customerID> <countryCode/> <cityCode>7823</cityCode> </contract> would be transformed into <contract> <customerName>foo</custo...

Why is this CHOICE element not getting assigned in my SharePoint Field definition schema?

I defined a new field of the type "Choice" for my web application. It will serve basically as a pseudo-lookup as its contents are defined by the value of a Text field in a list. It is initialized with a dummy choice to begin with (I'm under the impression a choice field needs at least one choice when defined), which is replaced with a re...

How to apply or chain multiple matching templates in XSLT?

I am working on a stylesheet employing many templates with match attributes: <xsl:template match="//one" priority="0.7"> <xsl:param name="input" select="."/> <xsl:value-of select="util:uppercase($input)"/> <xsl:next-match /> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="/stuff/one"> <xsl:param name="input" select="."/> <xsl:val...

Service Broker message_body error when casting binary data to xml in C#

I am using Message Broker with Sql server 2008, and designing an External Activator service to consume messages from my target queue. My Problem: Cant cast the returned message body from the SqlDataReader object: "WAITFOR (RECEIVE TOP(1) conversation_handle, message_type_name, message_body FROM [{1}]), TIMEOUT {2}" operation, I cant c...

get property from XML using PHP

Hello, I am using PHP's SimpleXML to get some values out of the following XML; - <entry> <id>http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/email_address%40gmail.com/base/0&lt;/id&gt; <updated>2010-01-14T22:06:26.565Z</updated> <category scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind" term="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contac...

button in XSL for AJAX usage

Hi guys, I wonder if its is possible to do AJAX when I put a button inside the xsl file; <input type = "button" id="laptop" value = "Add to Cart" onclick="sendCartRequest('Add');" /> That's what I do in my xsl file then in my js file I pass the id to the DOM and try to alert it make sure it is passed. And the alert appear to be empt...

how to open xml link target="_blank" in new tab or window?

hi all, i have a swf xml in which i have a link tag like <item id="google_link" link="http://www.google.com" target="_blank" /> even the target="_blank" is given but the link is opening in the same window, is there any other way to open the link in new window or new tab. ...

need help ,php class and xml save load edit example.p

http://www.sendspace.com/file/2zlfgn I have the php files i been trying to get them to save to xml. I have tried $product1=array(); $product1['id'] = new product( "19990","modrl","maf","purpose","war"); only the ID writes to xml. since model, maf etc are sub-elements is there a different way to create the object array? ...

Commission Detail Service (REST)

Hi, Can someone who uses CJ's Commission Detail Service (REST) tell me what a sample XML response is for this query. None of CJ's Web Services documentation indicates exactly how the XML is formatted and as I don't have any commission payments yet I can only guess the result. ...

Cocoa - simple collada parser

I´ve been researching a bit in the net but didnt find any Straightforward answer, i am looking for a simple way to Load Vertex and U/V data from a collada .dae file, i don´t need textures and normals for my application (for now) but i want it as lightweight&fast as possible. Any hints or existing solutions? ...

Parsing XML with jQuery

I've used this: $(document).ready(function () { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "http://domain.com/languages.php", dataType: "xml", success: xmlParser }); }); function xmlParser(xml) { $('#load').fadeOut(); $(xml).find("result").each(function () { $(".main").append('' + $(this).find("language").text() + ''); $("....

Is there any issues with always self closing empty tags in html?

Are there any browser issues with always collapsing empty tags in html. So for example and empty head can be written like this <head></head> but is can also be written like this <head/> Will the second case cause issues in any scenerio? Thanks ...

XML validation in Java - why does this fail?

hi, first time dealing with xml, so please be patient. the code below is probably evil in a million ways (I'd be very happy to hear about all of them), but the main problem is of course that it doesn't work :-) public class Test { private static final String JSDL_SCHEMA_URL = "http://schemas.ggf.org/jsdl/2005/11/jsdl"; privat...

Set width of Button in Android

How can I set a fixed width for an Android button? Everytime I try to set a fixed width it fills the current parent (the RelativeView). Here is my XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/relativelayout" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" xmlns:android="http://sche...

How to select all the attributes that contain certain String in an XML Document using LINQ

Similar to XPath: How to match attributes that contain a certain string but without using XPath. Is it possible? <c BarFoo="val1"> <d Foo="val2" someAttribute=""> <e FooBar="val3" /> </d> </c> Basically I want to select all the attribute values in the document that their attribute name contains "Foo", so it should return ...

Syncing Online Content with iPhone Application

Hi Everyone: I am looking for some way to sync a online XML file with my iPhone application and only download the newest changed items. Each item is marked with a date attribute, so I assume this is possible. I have heard that Core Data can accomplish this task, but I am unsure of the suggested method and how to approach implementing ...

Saving an xml file without

Hi, How do I work with an xml file that when updating it, after saving the commented lines would still be present. Here's my code snippet for saving the file: public static void WriteSettings(Settings settings, string path) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Settings)); TextWriter writer = ...

hide XML element from appearing in browser

HI, I have a website which I am setting up. However, I want the first page (Home) not to have any sub menu. When I change the value of true to false all the other pages where I want the drop down to appear also disappear. I want other pages to have sub menu but not the home page. I have tried to change the xml path etc, but nothing see...

regex removing specified empty xml tag using C#

Hi, I would like to remove tag like the following one with its attributes using C# .Net how can i do it? <aaa type="1" class="2" /> other tags like <bbb type="5" class="4" /> i would like to keep. Best Regards, ...