
C# attempting to build a DataGridView from Xml. Not working.

Code is as follows: string fileName = "passfile.xml"; DataSet ds = new DataSet("Account List"); DataTable accounts = ds.Tables.Add("Accounts"); accounts.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("Username"), new DataColumn("Password"), new DataColumn("Descript...

I need an ASP script that will loop through RSS XML and insert into database

I need to write an ASP script that will take a given RSS address and parse the xml and submit the items to a database. I can do all the database stuff, and had planned on using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0 to get the actual file. I can do all this, however I can not easily covert the XML page to variables which can be inserted into a datab...

XML parsing in jquery doesn't seem to work for me..

I have a static html page weather.html <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $.ajax({ ...

Post Params to External Site with Link_to

I have a shop application and another site thats for a special promotion. I've used Active Resource to import products from the shop in to the promo site and added a shopping cart to add the products. However, to actually order the products I need to send the items to the shop application, creating a new cart there to finish the order. ...

Xpath path help

I have the following XML: <products> <product> <name>Flat Panel Monitor</name> <code>LS123</code> <attributes> <attribute> <group>Color</group> <values> <value>Red</value> <value>Blue</value> <value>...

Open excel file

I need to open a excel file to see the markup. the xml format. I wont to open the markup of Office 2003 file in any editor. Any ideas? ...

how to fetch values from special attribute names with LINQ and XML

XML is like this: <element customer-name="blabla" customer-identifier="blabla2"> and I'm using VB.net, doing something like this: name = xmlstring.<element>.@customer-name This doesnt work, because you cannot enter "@customer-name" in the LINQ query. Is there way to escape minus sign becoming an operator? ...

XSLT - replace value in one node with the value from it's preceeding sibling

Hi There, I'm trying to write an XSLT transformation which will replace the value in one node with the value of it's preceding sibling. Then return the entire document transformed :) Find the occurrences of <package:packageDownloadLocator>http://myunwantedurl&lt;/package:packageDownloadLocator&gt; and replace with the text value of i...

Need to write XML using PHP - how?

ive got this basic code. <chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' caption='Revenue' subcaption='US $ (1,000s)' numberPrefix='$' numberSuffix='K' showValue='1' > <colorRange> <color minValue='0' maxValue='50' color='A6A6A6'/> <color minValue='50' maxValue='75' color='CCCCCC'/> <color minValue='75' maxValue='100' color...

ASP .NET Dataset to XML: Storage and Reading

Hi, [Below is the almost full Code modified. Currently shows illegal character error when being read]. I have a C# ASP.NET application which is currently reading an xml file from the file system and then loading it into a GridView control. In the grid I can Delete rows. There is also an file upload button below the grid which upload PDF...

XPath must be a literal?

I have a stored proc with a parameter which I want to have contain an XPath expression which can then be used to retrieve a value in a select, but the r.value(...) exception message says that I can only use literals. Is this true or is there a way around this? create proc MySproc @myxml xml, @xpath nvarchar(50) as begin ...

beginner programmer

Possible Duplicate: Beginner Programming Exact duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3213634/beginner-programming Hey all, I am a Mechanical Engineer with no experience in programming. I have been given a project to try to stream data from a machine device to a web based or stand alone client application. The...

What is the shortest way to reference the application path in a VS project?

I want to use an xml file in a windows forms application. I added a new xml file to my project. When I reference the file like this xmlDataDoc.DataSet.ReadXml("~\TestLog.xml"); how do i just tell it to look at the xml file that is part of the project? The line I put above doesn't work. ...

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR

I'm getting the following error when trying to add some data from myXml.xml to a string: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR. $xmlstr = file_get_contents('myXml.xml'); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr); foreach($xml->order as $order){ $replace = array(); $firstName = (string) ...

Validate sitemap.xml locally

I'd like to validate my sitemap xml LOCALLY not through a website (I know of http://www.webmasterwebtools.com/sitemap-validation/ and http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/validate-xml-sitemap.html but those won't work for me). ...

filtering through XML with Jquery in a checkbox format

Hi, stackoverflow newbie here, so I'm hoping you can give me a warm welcoe by helping me with a problem. I've found several questions and answers similar to this, but none that are exactly what I need. I'm pulling in some XML via AJAX (jquery) that I would like to be able to filter using checkboxes, etc. similar to sites like this: http...

Using jsTree XML module

I'm confused by jsTree's XML module. I'm using 1.0rc2. Specifically, jsTree converts XML to an HTML list-based tree using XSLT. I couldn't get my XML to render so checked out the source code; looks like the XSL is hard-coded into jsTree's code and one particular line means it will only work if you're root's child elements are called ...

Using Nokogiri with XML files in Ruby

Hello, Quick question: I have XML with the following code: <Experiment> <mzData version="1.05" accessionNumber="1635"> <description> <admin> <sampleName>Fas-induced and control Jurkat T-lymphocytes</sampleName> <sampleDescription> <cvParam cvLabel="MeSH" accession="D017209" name="apoptosis" /> <cvParam cvLabel="UNITY" accession="D21...

Removing nodes from XDocument

This removes all elements from the document: XDocument document = XDocument.Load(inputFile); foreach (XElement element in document.Elements()) { element.Remove(); } document.Save(outputFile); This doesn't have any effect: XDocument document = XDocument.Load(inputFile); ...

filter/remove invalid xml characters from stream

First things first, I can not change the output of the xml, it is being produced by a third party. They are inserting invalid characters in the the xml. I am given a InputStream of the byte stream representation of the xml. Is their a cleaner way to filter out the offending characters besides consuming the stream into a String and proces...