
Perl XML::LibXML::Schema will stop validation on first error

Hello, I'm trying to use the XML::LibXML::Schema to validate a xml file against a xsd. The problem is if my xml has multiple semantic issues the validation will die on the first one and not report the others. It finds the first error, no reference to <foobar/> bash-3.2$ ./test.pl test.xsd test.xml xmlfile <test.xml> failed validati...

Why won't my UITableView show the data?

Here is my issue. I have a screen in a tab bar application that display's a search bar, and a UITableView. When you first open the tab, the UITableView is empty. After you enter a search, the iphone gets and parses XML based on the query. All of this is working fine. I add the xml data to the underlying array that SHOULD populate the t...

Using Python to scrape DataSet and Query data from RDL

I set out today with the intent to parse an SSRS RDL file (XML) using Python in order to gather the DataSet and Query data. A recent project has me back tracking on a variety of reports and data sources with the intention of consolidating and cleaning up what we have published. I was able to use this script to create a CSV file with th...

Creating Valid XML Against Schema with XSLT

I'm sorting a list of elements based on type, as defined in my schema. I know that XSLT can validate against a given schema, but what I want to do is check to make sure that my operation (a copy in this case) is valid before I do it. Simplified code: Incoming Data: <?xml version="1.0"?> <sch:foo xmlns:sch="http://www.whatever.com/sche...

Performance of creating XML using StringTemplate?

I'm developing an application which uses different components to create an XHTML document, I used StringTemplate for creating the document data of the components and then combined them into a one large document. This is an example of a component: public class BoxImpl extends AbstractContainerImpl implements Box { private static fin...

Sql XML type with a specific schema

Can I have a table with an xml column but when inserting value into that column it has to match a specific schema? I'm using Sql Server 2005. ...

Selecting null value from XML in SQL Server

I'm trying to select from XML that has a null as one of the attributes. Instead of returning a null, it returns a 0. What am I doing wrong? See code below to replicate: declare @a xml select @a = '<TestSet xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instace"&gt; <Element> <Property1>1</Property1> <Property2>1</Property2> <...

How do make magento use a different category than 'Default Category' to generate the header-nav?

I have 4 categories within the 'Default Category' category. Currently by default Magento is generating the header-nav from 'Default Category', and displaying the 4 categories at the top of my site. The "Products" category is in the "Default Cateogry". Inside the "Products" category are the sub categories that i want to have displayed o...

java merge two xml strings in java

What is the best way for me to merge two xml strings in java? ...

Export to Excel file as .zip to reduce file size. How to compress xmldata before sending it to the client?

I like to compress the xmldata before the data is provided to the client as an excel file. I am trying to compress and deliver it as a .zip file. its not working Here's my code below. Please help I tried compressing it, converting it to bytes etc etc. The issue with below code is, the XSL transformation is not happening properly and the...

Can't get XML element with colon in the name using TouchXML

I have the following code: NSString *subtitle = [[[node elementsForName:@"subtitle"] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]; NSString *duration = [[[node elementsForName:@"itunes:duration"] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]; The first line works perfectly. The second line though won't work. I assume it has something to do with namespaces, but I'm ...

In Perl, how can I parse an XML file that is too large to fit in available memory?

I have a very large XML file (If you care, it's an AIXM file from EAD, but that's not important). In order to figure out how it is used, I want to write a simple script that goes through and for every node, record what subnodes occur below it and how many times, so I can see which nodes contain <AptUid> and whether most <Rdn> nodes have...

Sanitize XML Attribute Values

How can i easily sanitize the values I pass into the Value property of an XAttribute. ...

Images On The Description Of An RSS Item

I'm starting with RSS development, for my new site, but I want to know if there is any way to put images on the description of a item, something like this: <item> <title>Image Test</title> <link>http://testin.test&lt;/link&gt; <description>Some text... <img src="image.jpg"></description> </item> And if it's po...

Merge/update a primary XML document with a secondary XML document

I have a settings object which I serialize to disk. When my application loads, it deserialises the object then uses it. Let's say I have one XML file (the primary file) which is complete and I have a subset XML document which is incomplete. If I wanted to overwrite the primary with whatever the subset had and return a complete XML docu...

XPath: How to implement XpathResolver correctly

I want to use XPath to filter information from an XML. XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Object result = null; // set the custom resolver to compares dates xpath.setXPathFunctionResolver(new DateValidatorContext(PubUtils.getInstance().parseDate(date), operator)); ...

XML reading optimization .NET

Here's what I've got thus far: Dim xpDoc As New XPathDocument(strXmlUrl & strXmlInfo(0) & "?xml=1") Dim xpNav As XPathNavigator = xpDoc.CreateNavigator() Dim xpExpression(9) As XPathExpression Dim xpIter(9) As XPathNodeIterator xpExpression(0) = xpNav.Compile("/profile/steamID64") 'etc.. up to 9 For i = 0 To 9 xpIter(i) = ...

Getting static data for Flash app with JSON or XML - caching or not?

Hey, I've flash app and i've static data (like ~18.0KB) for it which aren't changed often so I was wondering how to better get them. The static data may be in XML or JSON. One of my ideas was to put the static data in .js file within a function which would return them in JSON list and the other one was to return them in XML (as I like to...

A regular expression to extract text between two tags and ALSO the tag name

I need a simple markup language to store different parts of a string on a TEXT field, and then extract those parts. So basically I want some kind of simple XML. Storing those in the table field is easy, but extracting them... is other matter. I managed to do so using a simple regex done for regular HTML: |<[^>]+>(.*)</[^>]+>|U But in ...

Array to XML in Php (using DOM)

Hi everybody, i just have a php array with number that i've "explode" to separate itens, $arr = array($_POST["fname"]); $arr = explode(',', $_POST['fname']); $parentesis; $parentesis2; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arr); $i+=2){ `$parentesis = substr($arr[$i], 1);` `$parentesis2 = substr($arr[$i+1], 0,-1);` actually arays...