
NAMESPACE_ERR: An attempt is made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to namespaces

Trying to retrieve the SOAP body from an SOAP response, but getting this error "NAMESPACE_ERR: An attempt is made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to namespaces." Document doc = soapResMsg.getSOAPBody().extractContentAsDocument(); -- Exception is thrown here org.dom4j.io.DOMReader d4Reader =...

Alphanumeric sort on mixed string values: alpha numeric alpha

Given XML where FORMNUMBER can be numeric only; begin with numeric and then include alpha; or follow a numeric alpha numeric pattern: <FORMSLIST> <FORMS> <FORMNUMBER>3 ABC</FORMNUMBER> <FORMSEQ>99900</FORMSEQ> </FORMS> <FORMS> <FORMNUMBER>12 ABC 45</FORMNUMBER> <FORMSEQ>99900</FORMSEQ> </F...

Simple Content Storage in Zend Framework (no DB).

Hi There. I am working on an existing website that uses Zend Framework, and I am trying to avoid hard-coding content that needs to be dynamic in nature. I have a list of articles that need to be output as links with or without a description. Each link generates a dynamic page that will output the full article with a breadcrumb and a li...

Filtering formatting text nodes from XML

I have code that creates an XML document that is difficult to read in a basic text editor. I tried using transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes") which is much better but now when I read the XML back in I have all these annoying text nodes that weren't there before. All these text nodes contain a newline character "\n". ...

SQL Server 2008 - basic question on shredding XML

Hello - I'm somewhat new to using XML in sql server, and am having a problem getting the syntax right - and for that matter, probably have some basic confusion about referencing XML elements. Anyway, I'll need to shred XML like the below out into columns. Seems simple, but I can't seem to get the nodes right - or for that matter I do...

Could i mix values from local data with values returned from database while using LINQ to SQL?

I am creating an xml file with LINQ as follows... Public Sub CreateXml() Dim db As New MDataContext Dim Customers = <gallery columns="3" rows="3"> <%= From customer In db.Customers _ Select <customer> <name><%= custo...

xslt concatenate text from nodes

I have an xml file that looks like this: <args> <sometag value="abc"> <anothertag value="def"> <atag value="blah"> </args> keep in mind that tag names within args could be named anything (I don't know ahead of time) Now i have this xml file stored in a variable called $data which I loaded using a document() call in the xslt styl...

Preserving Escaped Characters in Python XML Parsing

Hello, I'm trying to write a python script that takes in one or two xml files and outputs one or two new files based on the contents of the input files. I was trying to write this script using the minidom module. However, the input files contain a number of instances of the escape character inside node attributes. Unfortunately, in...

IP address list for Mexico?

Where can I find a list of country-specific IP ranges for Mexico? I know there are services I can query to determine if a specific address is based in Mexico, but doing that each time a new user loads a page seems like overkill. I'd like to create an XML file with IP ranges that I can check against. The best I've been able to find so fa...

Difficulty in creating filename

Hey guys. I have some difficulty in creating a filename. okay, here is what I want to do: a matlab function called file_save(filename,input_data) is to save data into a xml file. so in a for loop, I want to create xml file with sequential filename eg. output1.xml output2.xml output3.xml I guess there are some way of combining filename? ...

ADO Persistent XML to RecordSet Problem

I need to Convert my XML Data to an ADO RecordSet. I am able to construct the ADO Persistant XML format for the conversion but I am not too sure why the single row in my XML is being ignored. The final recordset produced has EOF and BOF both as true, and RecordCount is 0 but that is incorrect since my XML does contain at one row as in th...

Android: Just Show This, Instead of Don't Show Everything Else

I have many different items on my main.xml layout (30+). I have to constantly throughout an activity I have to use... tv1.setVisibility(View.GONE); tv2.setVisibility(View.GONE); ...for at least 20 of the items. I think it would be easier if some how you could make it so, instead of View.GONE, you can choose what items to show and hide...

How to load an XmlNode object ignoring undeclared namespaces?

I want to load up an XmlNode without getting an XmlException when an unrecognized namespace is present. The reason is because I need to pass an XMLNode instance to a method. I'm loading up arbitrary XML fragments having namespaces out of their original context (e.g. MSWord formatting and other software products with various schemas t...

Accessing a node-set in a JavaScript XPath query

I have a real simple question that I can't seem to find an answer to. I want to compress two XPath statements (that are getting attribute values). I learned about the | operator, hearing how it returns node sets. var getdata = xmldoc.evaluate ( '/foo/bar[@world=\''+hello+'\']/child::*/attribute::name |/foo/bar[@world=\''hello+'...

Resource not found exception in 1.5 version

10-28 11:24:10.579: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(748): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception 10-28 11:24:10.610: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(748): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.build/com.example.build.ComBuild}: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File res/drawable/...

Set image size in powerpoint using open xml

Hi Im am generating a ppt-file using this tutorial here Step 4 describes how to swap out the image placeholder. My images has different dimensions, which makes some images look a little bit too funny. Is there any way to resize the placeholder so it can keep the dimensions? Thanks/ Edit: Ok, a better explanation: users can upload im...

Binding to external XML doesn't work, but adding XML using XData makes it work.

Here is the code for App.xaml: <!-- <XmlDataProvider x:Key="BookmarkData" Source="testData.xml" XPath="/Favourites"/>--> <XmlDataProvider x:Key="BookmarkData" XPath="/Favorites"> <x:XData> <Favorites> <Bookmark> <Title>Google</Title> <URL>http://www.google.com&lt;/URL&gt; ...

Format data in XML

I need my data in XML format, and then sent to a web service. ...

replace text from an XML file using PHP?

I have an XML file which im fetching using php . That file contains '&' which gives error while fetching the file. Now i want to replace this "&" from my XML.How can i do that using php??? ...

Extraction of parent node providing child node as input from an XML in VB

Hai everybody, This is a sample XML file I am using. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TC_CONFIG> <Comm name="Ethernet"> <rxPort>3000</rxPort> </Comm> <Timeout value="2000"> <units>ms</units> </Timeout> <LRM Name="OsamcMainProcCard"> <Addr>1</Addr> <endian>big</endian> <ipAdd...