
Scala Lift: How to wrap REST responses into an XML root element?

Hi, I'm doing a project to test Scala and Lift at my company, atm I'm implementing a REST API that shoves XML around. I saw that there is an XMLApiHelper that offers the createTag method that encapsulates the responses in a root element. So I did this object RestAPI extends RestHelper with XMLApiHelper { serve { … } … def ...

What is the best way to send XML data to webservices jaxws

What is the best way to send XML data to web services jax-ws? One of the way I could make out is to convert xml into String from client side and send it as a String to WebService. I don't think this is the best way / best practice . ...

XSLT parse text node as XML?

In the middle of an XML document I'm transforming, there is a CDATA node which I know itself is composed of XML. I would like to have that "recursively parsed" as XML so that I can transform it too. Upon searching, I think my question is very similar to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1927522/handling-node-with-inner-xml-in-xslt. T...

Need a (XML, XSL)formatter for receiving file- PDF and HTML

I need a (XML, XSL) formatter for PDF and HTML output files. Can someone help me with this? How can I recieve FO file? ...

Formatter for generating ppml file from xml

Hi all. Need a ppml generator from (XML and XSL) or from (FO) file. ...

How do I update a tag in an XML file in .NET?

How can I update the value of tags in an XML file using System.Xml? ...

Error Parsing XML for android:drawable

Hi I am facing a problem I want my application to pick up resources from the framework. Here is my code snippet of an xml. For this to be achieved following changes were made in attrs.xml and themes.xml at the framework level @android:drawable/btn_minus_ss The drawable btn_minus_ss.png is added to drawable-hdpi folder at ...

What are some good alternative serialization formats?

I have used XML in the past, but it is very verbose and clunky. We are currently using YAML, but I am finding that most developers have alot of trouble with the whitespace. Is there a YAML like format that is whitespace insensitive, but not as verbose as XML? ...

Using PHP to manage GMail Mail Filter XML Files

Since GMail made it possible to import and export the mail filters, I'd like to manage the XML files that are exported from GMail using a PHP script, as there are some known issues with the number of characters in the search filters. I've found the simplexml_load_file function in PHP, and have performed var_dump() against the performed ...

soap java: read and change nodes in xml files

Hi, I have a number of pre-generated, static xml files containing soap requests. I can read them, send the request, and get back and answer from the server. I would like to get some advice on how to create a dynamic process: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmln...

Android App Launch Creates Blank xml File

I launch my app from Eclipse on an emulator and Eclipse creates a new blank file called main.out.xml then refuses to launch because this new file is blank. What is causing this? What do I do about it? ...

Problem with retrieving data from xml by linq

I have xml from I want get some data XDocument loaded = XDocument.Load(@"c:\TERC.xml"); var query = (from c in loaded.Descendants("catalog") from r in c.Descendants("row") select (string)r.Element("Name")); this returns me collection of null How can I fix it ? Here is this xml: <?xml vers...

Reg Ex negation not working in XML string

I am trying to apply negation on regular expression in .Net. It does not work. When string has valid last name reg ex should not match. For invalid last name it should match. Valid name allows only charecters, spaces, single quote and length between 1-40. Somebody suggested to parse the XML, I don't want to do that. I know there is anoth...

New line in Silverlight's textblock

I know that some will reply things such as <LineBreak/> this is not what I'm looking for. I want to know if I store textblock's string in a resource file, can I do some thing about it to make the text in textblock to go to a new line. tried "&lt ; LineBreak/ &gt ;" (w/o space), tried /r/n tried &#13;&#10; None of the options worke...

How does XML+XSLT affect SEO?

I have a site that is built completely in XML and is transformed by a single XSL file. How does this affect SEO? Is it possible to store page-specific metadata? Will robots see the transformed page (the result of the XSL stylesheet) or the plain XML? ...

XmlSchema object from an XML file with inlined Xsd

Hi, In .Net, I'm trying to get a XmlSchema object from Xml file with an embedded Xsd and can not find out how to do it? anybody know? For example if it just an Xml file I can Infer Schema using the XmlSchemaInference class or if its a Xsd I can use XmlSchema class, but can not find away with inlined Xsd. example file is at http://past...

Reordering XML Elements with jquery, then save XML file with php

How can I use something like jQuery & PHP to reorder elements within an xml file? The jQuery plugins below allow html table rows or list items to be swapped about, but I have no idea of how to save those changes back to an XML file with the click of a button. www.isocra.com/2008/02/table-drag-and-drop-jquery-plugin/ www.jqueryui.com/d...

Changing file extensions within a XML file

This one is a bit of a tricky one. I have a contents.xml file that references a host of other files. These other files use to be .xml, and have been altered to .dita, my question is how can i renames all the .xml file extensions to .dita? The file paths are a varying levels in the tree and have an inconsistent number of subfolders in ...

C# XML ToList inside ToList

I have the following C# code and I have no idea why it's not working (I'm getting a NullReferenceException error). If I define Recipe as new List() everything starts working OK. foreach (XElement element in document.Descendants("vegetables")) { VegetablesList = ( from vegetables in element.Elements() ...

Delphi, IXMLDOMDocument2, Load fails due to invalid character

Using Delphi 2009 and IXMLDOMDocument2 I receive "An invalid character was found in text content" error when loading XML into IXMLDOMDocument2. The character is 1B (in Hex) and is present within a CDATA section. Microsoft's XML viewer (IE) loads the file just fine. The XML looks like... <data><child><![CDATA[-- ]]></child></data> NOTE...