
Models in the Zend Framework

What are some of the ways you have implemented models in the Zend Framework? I have seen the basic class User extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract and then putting calls to that in your controllers: $foo = new User; $foo->fetchAll() but what about more sophisticated uses? The Quickstart section of the documentation offers such an example ...

Integrating external scripts with Zend Framework

What is the best way to integrate an external script into the Zend Framework? Let me explain because I may be asking this the wrong way. I have a script that downloads and parses an XML file. This script, which runs as a daily cron job, needs to dump its data into the database. I am using Zend Framework for the site which uses this scri...

What IDE do you use to develop PHP? Sorta sick of Zend.

It's hard to express how much grief and ire Zend has caused me already. The sheer amount of bugs is overwhelming. Maybe I'm just technically-impaired with everything Zendy, but I find it practically impossible to work on a remote server. What with the sudden hangs, the pop-up errors that seem to have nothing to do with what you're wor...

The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.

I have a code igniter project, and I wanted to try debugging it using Zend Studio. WHen I start debugging, I immediately run ino "The URI you submitted has disallowed characters." Does anyone have any idea? ...

How to create foo.com/user in Zend?

Well i need to make it so any user can have a foo.com/username in my site where i user a Zend framework. The thing is that i want foo.com/login and other controllers to keep working as they do, so i already validate that no user can be named as one of the controllers im going to use. The htaccess cant be changed or the mvc configurati...

Php and zend framework

how can i easily implement queries in zend framework ? ...

Zend Pagination - Seems Not to be limiting number of results on each page

Hello, I am relatively new to The Zend framework having only been working with it probably two months at the most. I am now trying to get a list of results from a query I run, send it through the zend paginator class and display 4 results per page, however it does not seem to be recognising when it has got 4 results, I believe there is...

web framework(s) memory footprint

Hypothetically, if I were to build the same app using a few popular/similar frameworks, say PHP(cakePHP|Zend), Django, and Rails, should the memory consumption of each be roughly the same? Also, I'm sure many have evaluated or used each and would be interested in which you settled on and why? ...

Zend Error

Hello, How i insert my username, Password values to database using Zend framework. And how i get the values from the database using zend framework. Help me................................... ...

Using Multiple Tables in a Zend Model and returning a combined result set

Hi This is either a very specific or very generic quetion - I'm not sure, and I'm new to the Zend framework / oo generally. Please be patient if this is a stupid Q... Anyway, I want to create a model which does something like: Read all the itmes from a table 'gifts' into a row set for each row in the table, read from a second table w...

Insert a time + n in mySQL using Zend_db_table!

Hi im using: $data = array ( 'next' => "NOW() + 5", 'interval' => $dom["USER"][0]["STATUSES_COUNT"][0]["data"], 'good' => $good, 'tries' => $p->tries + 1 ); $where = $service->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $p->id); $service->update($data, $where); to insert something to a database using PHP...

How to correct Zend_Uri_Exception (YouTube API with PHP Zend Gdata)

I am using Zend Gdata to interface with the YouTube API from a PHP script. I actually had this working fine, and suddenly I am getting a fatal error about a 'Zend_Uri_Exception' with message 'Invalid URI supplied'. How can I correct the exception? CODE: require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_YouTube'); $yt ...

I have installed Zend Framework and need to set up include path in PHP?

I have dumped Zend Framework files in "home/hotbuzz/public_html/include/zend/" My hosting : linux I want to load it in my script. Whenever I load I get this error. Some info: I asked about my Zend, to hosting guys they said its located in "usr/local/zend" But I want to use this home/hotbuzz/public_html/include/zend/ I had added ...

Missing symbol after compiling swig interface

Hi, Im trying to compile a php interface for my linux shared object and i have managed to get it to compile all right using the output from swig, however when i try and load the so it complains of a missing symbol: error: undefined symbol: zend_register_long_constant Now i have had a look at zend and it seems to be a php framework. I...

Zend Framework: How to display multiple actions, each requiring different authorizations levels, on a single page

Imagine I have 4 database tables, and an interface that presents forms for the management of the data in each of these tables on a single webpage (using the accordion design pattern to show only one form at a time). Each form is displayed with a list of rows in the table, allowing the user to insert a new row or select a row to edit or ...

using xCache with Zend optimizer together

Hello, i have installed xCache and Zend optimizer in same time and it gives me PHP Fatal error: [Zend Optimizer] Zend Optimizer 3.3.3 is incompatible with XCache 1.2.1 in Unknown on line 0 I have lines in installation document that i should include zend php.ini file to normal php.ini and ansure that xCache runs befor Zend Optimizer. M...

Programming Certification Etiquette and Procedure - Additional Compensation

I'm scheduled to take the Zend PHP5 Certification next month and had a few questions regarding the aftermath. Specifically, I believe it is common to be deserving additional compensation after earning a certification. I have a few questions regarding the process (Assuming one passes the requirements for certification): How does one app...

How do I insert into non-default Google Calendar using Zend / PHP

I'm trying to insert a new event into Google Calendar, which I can do fine by the following: $sname = Zend_Gdata_Calendar::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; // predefined service name for calendar $client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($userName,$password,$sname); $service = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar($client); $event = $service->newEventEntry(...

IIS7 + PHP + Zend - Not executing <= *pic*

I have PHP, IIS7, ReWrite Module for IIS and Zend all installed. I can execute PHP pages just fine, even got PHPINFO showing up. I setup a Zend quickstart app on IIS and when I open it this is what I see: You can see from the source that it's not executing the <= portions. Any idea what needs to change? ...

Sending ByteArray to Zend_Amf

I'm having problems sending a ByteArray over to my Zend_Amf_server. I get a NetConnection.Bad.Call back from the server. If I send a variable with another datatype then ByteArray it works fine. I used the same script before with AMFPHP witouth any problems. But for this project I really need this to work in Zend_Amf. AS3: var path:S...