
How can I mark an email as important?

I am using PHP with the Zend-Framework to create emails. How can I mark the email as important? Outlook will show a red "!" if it is marked right. ...

How to make Zend IDE 5.5.1 to not bother about backslashes?

I use Zend IDE and quite often use Analyze code to quickly find undeclared or unused variables. As all PHP developers I also use regular expressions. So main question is where to set a checkbox or tune config file to disable these warnings: Bad escape sequence: \s (line NN) Thanks for answers! ...

Janrain php library and google endpoint for OpenId

Im using janRain Php library for OpenId and yadis discovery and no matter what i do, i will work in stuff like user.openid.org or my own provider, but if i try to use the google endpoint, i cant get any discovery information. Even if i run the discovery example for the janrain library, i get the next result Claimed Identifier http://...

Zend Studio + Zend Framework

Zend Framework has this "Run" button... this works on individual php files. but i am curious how would this work if you are using Zend Framework (or others) where everything (requests, etc) must go through the bootstrap file first before the actual file you are editing is executed? ...

Whats the quickest way to find a file in Zend Studio for Eclipse?

I want to be able to find files quickly in Zend Studio for Eclipse without routing through a tree view of dozens of folders and hundreds of files. What I'm really after is something that filters file names as I type. Think spotlight on Mac, or the filter on the start menu in Vista. ...

Reading Zend Engine API code: What does ## (double hash) means?

Out of curiousity, I'm reading the Zend Engine API code and encountered quite a number of ## in their #define's. For example, at /usr/lib/php5/Zend/zend_API.h: #define ZEND_FN(name) zif_##name #define ZEND_MN(name) zim_##name What does the ## (double hash) symbols mean in these two lines? ...

[PHP] AMFPHP + Zend Session

Hi, I have tried to use ZendSession class with AMFPHP, but AMFPHP uses raw PHP sessions in some of its functions and methods. I strongly need to manage all session variables by ZendSession. Is there any smart method to get it, instead of hack and modify original AMFPHP code? ...

Should validation be done in Form objects, or the model?

This question is mainly geared towards Zend in PHP, although it certainly applies to other languages and frameworks, so I welcome everyone's opinion. I've only recently been using the Zend framework, and while it's not perfect, I have had a pretty good time with it. One thing that drives me crazy, however, is that most of the examples ...

Zend_Db is ignoring my default field values!

Hi, I'm using Zend Framework 1.7 with a MySQL 5.0 database for a project I'm doing. Part of the system is a longish form that asks a user for various dates (in dd/mm/yyyy format) as well as some integer fields. In my MySQL table, all these fields have a default of null. When I come to save the form data with a function in my model (whic...

How to increase Zend Framework learning speed?

A preamble: I've been using PHP for over 8 year every now and then, but never used a framework, only wrote scripts and addons. Mostly I used code generators like CodeCharge Studio or custom code for intranet apps. Since I am ok with design patterns, Zend framework doesn't look too hard for me to learn. Starting with ZF: I've a read the ...

SoapFault exception: [VersionMismatch] PHP Zend

Hi ALL~ I'm getting this error while I was implementing and testing PHP webservice using Zend Soap. I'm testing the same codes under 2 different protocols(http & https) in 2 different web servers. http site works just fine, but I get "SoapFault exception: [VersionMismatch]..." error in https. The two web servers almost have the same s...

Zend: Is it possible to send view variables after a redirect?

How could I send additional view parameters after I have done a redirect (e.g. $this->_redirect->gotoSimple();)? For example, let's say I have an Edit action which will redirect the user to an Error action handler and I would like to be able to send custom, detailed error messages to its view. To illustrate it clearer, the flow would be...

Zend studio for eclipse - where does it store it's project files on a mac?

I'm refering to the .xml congig files with stuff like the path to the project's files in it. ...

Setting a label's id in Zend_Form

Hey, guys, I'm trying to set an id for one of my form's labels so I can hide it with jquery later. Here's my element: $password = new Zend_Form_Element_Password('password'); $password->setLabel('Password:') ->setRequired(true) ->addFilter('StripTags') ->addFilter('StringTrim') ->addValidator('NotEmpty') ->setAttrib( ...

Zend Framework - Static form elements

I have got a form which a user can use to create a new store and to edit an existing one. When this form is being used to edit a store there are certain fields that I want the user to see but not edit eg. store_id. I have explored the different Zend_Form_Elements hoping to find some kind of static element but with no luck. So my questi...

Unit testing Zend controllers - how do I test what has been set in the view

In Zend, models are added to the view: //In a controller public function indexAction() { //Do some work and get a model $this->view->model = $model; } We can easily check that "model" exists in the view (I'm using simpletest for this): //In a unit test public function testModelIsSetInView() { //Call the controllers inde...

Load multiple event feeds with one GData calendar query.

So, my problem is as such... I'm building a simple calendar module for my company's intranet portal. We use Google (Apps for your Domain) Calendar and I'd like to give the employees the ability to see all the feeds they've subscribed to in one calendar--just like on the real Google Calendar! The reason I'm not just using the the gadge...

Calendar in Zend Framework

Hello, I looking to create a custom calender with Zend Framework, I am hoping that it will be able to list all the days of the month for the coming years and then have a different bg color on the date if there is an event on this. I am however struggling to create this firstly because it needs to go into the layout view, rather than an...

Dreamweaver and Binary PUT via FTP

As we all know (don't we?), the FTP functionality on Dreamweaver is inexcusable for a professional product, but I bear with it because Dreamweaver has other useful stuff that overshadows the FTP. However, I have a specific FTP situation which has been annoying me for a few years now, and was hoping someone had a solution. We use the ZE...

How do I Extend Zend View to Implement a Concrete Function?

I want to make it as easy as possible for our designers to localise strings in views, which means that I want to do this: ... <p><?php echo $this->_("Hello, world!"); ?></p> ... The underscore notation here is necessary to allow Poedit to automagically extract all strings for localisation. The implementation is trivial: public functi...