



Do you place separators (commas, and, or operators) at the front of the line?

Select Field1
    , Field2
  --, Field3
From [some_table] as ST
Inner Join [other_table] as OT
Where [this] = [that]
   and [one_other] > 53;

I think the best feature is to help expose important operators (AND/OR). As a secondary advantage it seems easier to comment out.

Not sure where I picked it up initially, but Andrew Novick mentions it in "Transact-SQL User-Defined Function" (Heard him speak; got the book for free and highly recommend.)

+1  A: 

I've gotten sloppy with this, but that is my preferred method of writing things out - especially when I am debugging a new script.

Rob Allen
+2  A: 

I personally don't find this easier to read, but that is only because I am not used to it. The important thing to remember is that consistency is the key in these matters. Make sure that whatever style you choose is the one and only style used for the entire project.

Andrew Hare
+2  A: 

At my workplace (small consultancy company with about 10 developers, specialising in Oracle) that is what our convention is, as so:

SELECT pd_id
, p.var_no
, p.status
, operator
, o.r_id
, o.r_type
, o.start_datetime
, o.end_datetime
--, rd_id
--, p.s_control
, p.xml_data last_d_res_xml
FROM schema_a.table_x p
JOIN schema_b.table_y o ON = o.pd_id
WHERE p.some_id = 11
ORDER BY pd_id DESC, end_datetime DESC NULLS FIRST

We find it is quite clear and allows easy commenting of columns when debugging. It took a while to get used to but I prefer this style now - and it is consistently used by our whole team.

A thorough answer.
Jeff O
+4  A: 

It's easier to comment out, but I'd rather go for readability - Using a column layout like the one below is a bit awkward while the code is changing a lot, but it's very comfortable to get an overview:

  from foomatic  foo
  join bartastic bar  on  =
  join anemone   anem on =
 where <> 1 and
       baz.ban =  'foo' and
         anem.bear in ('a', 'b') or
         anem.zoo  is null
You would use this column layout and still place separators first.
Jeff O
When separators are in front (commas in particular), they form their own column -- and that makes it easy to avoid missing comma problems, missing ON clause problems, and so on.
Philip Kelley
+2  A: 

"Easier to comment out" - unless you want to comment out the first item.

It doesn't matter if your separators are at the start or the end of the line - there will always be an edge case where you can't apply the "easily comment out" criterion.

And if you're looking at the operator level (AND/OR), then an easily commented out line may:

  • Change the meaning of the query
  • Result in a syntax error

In general, for the where clauses, if it's not all ANDs, then I tend to nest:

    ColumnA = 1 AND
    ColumnB = 2 AND
        ColumnC = 3 OR
        ColumnD = 4

This helps you to spot the edge cases (mentioned above) where you'll need to comment an operator or add a "1=1" condition in front of the comment block.

Good point on the first item. I would hope commenting out the line would change the meaning. Your example is more likely to create a syntax error if one of the lines were commented out.
Jeff O
The point is, you can never avoid these oddities - and usually you'll create syntax errors (thankfully). But if you have a lot of unbracketed uses of ANDs and ORs (relying on syntax rules), and you comment out a line, you can suddenly end up with a far more restrictive, or far more lax, WHERE clause.
+1  A: 

This is the standard at my most recent engagement. Took a little while to get used to, now anything else looks strange to me :)

SELECT e.emp_id
FROM   emp   e
      ,dept  d
WHERE  e.dept_id        = d.dept_id
AND    d.is_active      = 'Y'
AND    e.current_status = 'ACTIVE'
AND    (e.class IN ('x','y','z')
        OR e.class_na = 'Y')
ORDER BY e.emp_name

We found having everything lined up in columns made queries more easily read, especially when you've got a number of SQL statements in PL/SQL. The SQL stood out neatly from the surrounding procedural code.

Jeffrey Kemp

I prefer SELECT clause separation.

This highlights the important parts of a query. Separator front or end only matters now in the SELECT list

I find all above examples difficult to read.

    , Field2
    --, Field3
    [some_table] as ST
    Inner Join
    [other_table] as OT ON ST.PKID = OT.FKID
    [this] = [that]
    [one_other] > 53;

    Field2 --,
    [some_table] as ST
    Inner Join
    [other_table] as OT ON ST.PKID = OT.FKID
    [this] = [that]
    [one_other] > 53;