
Using keyboard without a numpad

Do you guys think it's a good idea to get used to programming with a keyboard without a numpad? At work I use one with a numpad, but as soon as I use a keyboard without one, like in laptops, it slows me down considerably. So does it make sense to get used to programming on the left side of the keyboard even if you have a numpad? ...

Is Separator First Formating (SFF) with SQL Code Formating easier to read/maintain?

Do you place separators (commas, and, or operators) at the front of the line? Select Field1 , Field2 --, Field3 From [some_table] as ST Inner Join [other_table] as OT ON ST.PKID = OT.FKID Where [this] = [that] and [one_other] > 53; I think the best feature is to help expose important operators (AND/OR). As a secondary adva...

Matrix/Vector Preference: Return copy or transform internally?

Just a quickie to get a feel for the community in general's preference: When working with objects like Vectors (mathematical, not STL) and Matrices do you prefer a library that: A) Doesn't alter the objects but returns copies instead: Vec2 Vec2::Add(float x, float y) { return Vec2(this.x + x, this.y + y); } B) Alters the objects ...

<?php vs <? ...Does it matter?

Possible Duplicate: Are PHP short tags acceptable to use? <?php //Some code ?> or <? //Some code ?> I know the first way is the proper way but PHP code isn't validated. So, besides it saving extra typing & bytes, does it matter? update Thanks for the replies... I had no idea they were called short tags (hence why...