Hi All,
I'm trying to perform a Median filter on an image in Java but it's terribly slow. Firstly, if any of you know of a standalone implementation I could use it would be fantastic if you could let me know. I'm implementing on Android, trying to replicate a small part of the JAI.
In my method I take each pixel, extract the R,G & B values using
r = pixel >> 16 & 0xFF
Or similar, find the median for the kernel and finish with
pixel = a | r <<16 | g << 8 | b
Is there any way I can grab the bytes from an int in such a way that this would be faster?
Kind regards,
EDIT: Full code to help diagnose my low performance upon request
For the actual source file please go here that's where my implementation of medianFilter can be found.
width and height variables are for the size of dest and are available as class member variables. The pixels are linearized into a one dimensional array.
private void medianFilterSquare(int[] source, int[] dest, int rWidth,
int rHeight, int radius) {
// Source has been reflected into a border of size radius
// This makes it radius * 2 pixels wider and taller than the dest
int r,g,b;
int destOffset, rOffset, kOffset;
// The first offset into the source to calculate a median for
// This corresponds to the first pixel in dest
int rFirst = radius + (rWidth*radius);
// We use a square kernel with the radius passed
int neighbours = (radius+radius+1)*(radius+radius+1);
int index;
// Arrays to accumulate the values for median calculation
int[] rs = new int[neighbours];
int[] gs = new int[neighbours];
int[] bs = new int[neighbours];
// Declaring outside the loop helps speed? I'm sure this is done for me
// by the compiler
int pixel;
// Iterate over the destination pixels
for(int x = 0; x < height; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < width; y++){
// Offset into destination
destOffset = x + (y * width);
// Offset into source with border size radius
rOffset = destOffset + rFirst + (y * (radius *2));
index = 0;
// Iterate over kernel
for(int xk = -radius; xk < radius ; xk ++){
for(int yk = -radius; yk < radius ; yk ++){
kOffset = rOffset + (xk + (rWidth*yk));
pixel = source[kOffset];
// Color.red is equivalent to (pixel>>16) & 0xFF
rs[index] = Color.red(pixel);
gs[index] = Color.green(pixel);
bs[index] = Color.blue(pixel);
r = medianFilter(rs);
g = medianFilter(gs);
b = medianFilter(bs);
dest[destOffset] = Color.rgb(r, g, b);