



Hi, I am trying to get an 3.5 site to run on a windows 2000 machine (not my idea!!!) but am having some problems. I have been working through copying required dlls from C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5 into my app bin directory. This succesfully got me past the "assembly not found" errors.

However, I am now getting the error: "Compiler executable file csc.exe cannot be found". Does anyone know how I can fix this? It is primarily LINQ functionality I am looking to utilise.

Many thanks!!

+10  A: 

You are going to have many issues as .NET 3.5 is not supported on Windows 2000 (see System Requirements).

Andrew Hare
Indeed not, however .net 3.5 is essentially .net with extra dlls. I really only need LINQ functionality. See eg
You are mostly correct but it is a bit more complicated then that (take for instance the fact that your most recent error is due to missing the C# compiler). My point is that you are trying to do something unsupported. Unsupported endeavors often work but you may be creating bigger problems for yourself that you haven't even seen yet. I would suggest that a better route would be to bite the bullet and upgrade the OS. That being said, I am not you nor do I understand your situation.
Andrew Hare
+1  A: 

Install a Virtual Machine with a newer Windows in it ;-)

+1  A: 

Many 3.5 sites will work just fine in 2.0, you just need to compile them that way. I would have whoever built the app switch to 2.0 targets and see how it goes. If that doesn't take, the VM option is probably the best way to fly.

Wyatt Barnett

Save yourself some time and pain, install on a platform that supports 3.5.

Trying to circumvent minimum requirements usually comes back to bite you in the end.

Just because you can doesn't always mean you should. :)

Dana Holt
Unfortunately, I am not in control of the hardware, or budget for hardware for these peeps! Otherwise, I agree!

Unfamiliar with the environment, but...

More of the framework (including csc.exe) resides in %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5 (e.g. C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5) - are these files on your installation and the directory in your path?

John Barrett

You can try to install .NET Framework 3.5 manually. It relies on .NET 2.0 runtime + some extra stuff.
