I want to embed some images at compilation time so I end up with just a single swf. They need to be inside of an array as I need to modify them programatically and they can be 100s of images. Cant use flex as I want to keep the whole function in actionscript (aka make files smaller)
I found how to do it in flex:
<mx:Array id="test">
<mx:Image id="image0" source="@Embed(source='../../../lib/Images033,jpg')" />
<mx:Image id="image1" source="@Embed(source='../../../lib/Images034,jpg')" />
<mx:Image id="image2" source="@Embed(source='../../../lib/Images035,jpg')" />
<mx:Image id="image3" source="@Embed(source='../../../lib/Images036,jpg')" />
addChild(test[1] as something);
So does anyone know how to do the above but just in Actionscript?
Many thanks.