



I'm trying to create a simple invoice with pdflatex and the isodoc class. Unfortunately, the "INVOICE" opening is appear in all lowercase, and I suspect this warning is the reason why:

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T1/lmr/bx/sc' undefined
(Font)              using `T1/lmr/bx/n' instead on input line 19.

My best guess at this cryptic output is that latex doesn't know how to represent small caps. What can I do to teach it how?

Here is the preamble of my document:


The system is Fedora Core 4 . pdflatex -version yields:

pdfeTeX 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
kpathsea version 3.5.4


$ rpm -qa | grep tex

I managed to partially work around this by altering the invoice text. I found it defined in the isodoc source with:

\def\invoicetext{{\bfseries\Large\scshape invoice}}

Adding the following after my document setup removed the use of small capitals:

\def\invoicetext{{\bfseries INVOICE}}
+3  A: 

The error/warning is fairly self explanatory if you know what to look at.

T1/lmr/bx/sc refers to a specific font declaration:

T1 — so-called ‘Cork’ font encoding
lmr — ‘Latin Modern Roman’ font family
bx — bold
sc — small caps

By saying this font shape is "undefined" simply means that the Latin Modern Roman doesn't have bold small caps. As a fall-back, the default bold font is chosen instead.

As you've now discovered, not writing \bfseries\scshape in the first place will resolve the warning :)

Will Robertson
I tried changing the document font to times but the bold small caps opening still will not show. How can identify what fonts have bold small caps, or add bold small caps to a font I have?
I don't think there are any TeX fonts that contain bold small caps. Times doesn't even have real small caps of its own; the ones you're seeing are mechanically produced from the capital letters. You'll probably need to use XeTeX and a fancy OpenType font to have much luck with this, sorry.
Will Robertson
That's very strange the isodoc class would use them. I suppose it is a bug. Thank you.I haven't seen any small caps at all -- there is some way to make it mechanically produce them from capital letters?
Will Robertson