




Hi... I want to build webinar application (chat,live video, presentation, white boart and etc). Now, I trying to choose platform (flash/flex, javafx). Does anyone have experience in developing such applications?

+1  A: 

The open source flash media server Red5 has a few sample applications including a webcam / chat / mic conferencing app. http://osflash.org/red5

If you go with flash you're going to need some kind of media server or build yourself a socket server of sorts to deal with communication.

+1  A: 

Use Flex because 98% percent people has Flash plugin installed + it runs on windows/linux/osx. Flex is when you need advanced features of Flash and it seems that you do - chat, live video, presentation, white board and etc.


I have never used Flash or Flex, but I would caution against using JavaFX at this time for anything other than the most basic/experimental apps. It's just too green and the more mature platforms are undoubtedly a better bet IMO.

Matthew Hegarty