I'm trying to put html-formatted labels in the tabs of a TabNavigator.
I saw SuperTabNavigator in the FlexLib but it doesn't seem to do the trick for me.
I found this html button code and was able to inject my own TabBar and have it change the class instantiated by the ClassFactory when a navItem is created.
public class HtmlTabNavigator extends TabNavigator
public function HtmlTabNavigator()
override protected function createChildren():void
if (!tabBar)
tabBar = new HtmlTabBar(); // inject my class
tabBar.name = "tabBar";
tabBar.focusEnabled = false;
tabBar.styleName = new StyleProxy(this, tabBarStyleFilters);
if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion < FlexVersion.VERSION_3_0)
tabBar.setStyle("paddingTop", 0);
tabBar.setStyle("paddingBottom", 0);
tabBar.setStyle("borderStyle", "none");
super.createChildren(); // ommits original TabBar creation but continues in inheritance chain
public function setHtmlLabels( htmlLabels:Array ):void
for (var i:uint = 0; i < tabBar.numChildren; i++)
var button:Button = tabBar.getChildAt( i ) as Button;
button.label = htmlLabels[ i ];
public class HtmlTabBar extends TabBar
public function HtmlTabBar()
navItemFactory = new ClassFactory(HtmlButton);
Now I'm having problems with the style of the button as it looks like a regular button and not like a tab anymore. It is not apparent to me why this works when a ButtonBarButton is used.
Any ideas are welcome.
Thanks Stefan