This seems to be a trivial question but I got hung on it for a few hours now (maybe too much Java killed my C++ braincells).
I have created a class that has the following constructor (i.e. no default constructor)
VACaptureSource::VACaptureSource( std::string inputType, std::string inputLocation ) {
if( type == "" || location == "" ) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Empty type or location in VACaptureSource()");
type = inputType;
location = inputLocation;
// Open the given media source using the appropriate OpenCV function.
if( type.compare("image") ) {
frame = cvLoadImage( location.c_str() );
if( !frame ) {
throw std::runtime_error("error opening file");
else {
throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown input type in VACaptureSource()");
When I want to create an instance, I use
// Create input data object
try {
VACaptureSource input = VACaptureSource("image", "/home/cuneyt/workspace/testmedia/face_images/jhumpa_1.jpg");
catch( invalid_argument& ia ) {
cerr << "FD Error: " << ia.what() << endl;
catch( runtime_error& re ) {
cerr << "FD Error: " << re.what() << endl;
However, in this case the instance is local to this block and I can't refer to it anywhere else. On the other hand, I can't say
VACAptureSource input;
at the beginning of the program since there's no default constructor.
What is the correct way to do this?