I am drawing a quad as a background so I can apply a gradient. Details of how I'm doing this are found in a similar question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1064840
The 2D raster text (screen text) is drawn as expected without the gradient background. However, when the gradient background is drawn, the text disappears (I'm assuming behind the background quad).
¿ Any ideas ?
I am creating the font by calling
wglUseFontBitmaps HDC, 32, 96, FontID
and the text is drawn using
glRasterPos3d X, Y, Z
glListBase FontID - 32
glPushAttribute GL_LIST_BIT
Dim B() As Byte
B = StrConv(TextString, vbFromUnicode)
glCallLists Len(TextString), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, B(0)
glPopAttribute GL_LIST_BIT
Note that my 3D text is being drawn successfully in all cases using
wglUseFontOutlines HDC, 0, 255, FontID, 0, 0, WGL_FONT_LINES, GMF(0)
wglUseFontOutlines HDC, 0, 255, FontID, 0, 0, WGL_FONT_POLYGONS, GMF(0)
and it's equivalent drawing routines.
Edit: Solved
I was popping a matrix I shouldn't have been popping.