I have a Flex app that needs some custom serialization. I tried to use IExternalizeable. If it worked that would be exactly what I need. But the issue is that I need to do this custom serialization on the client only.
It seems that to get the IExternalizeableized classes read/write methods called the Java classes also have to implement the interface. But the server already has all of the customization that it can handle; that is unfortunately not an option.
I tried to dig into the RPC classes. I was gonna monkey-patch what I needed. But I could only see the classes to handle the (AMF)XML data whereas I have the binary bits flowing. It appears that all of the serial/deserialization logic is already compiled into the player. At least that's my guess.
What I am attempting is to take the data from the AMF stream and update objects that already exist. Currently I am copying the values from the returned objects in my service handlers into the already existing model objects. I would prefer to skip the step where the NEW items have their values set and instead only set the values on the existing objects.