I'm getting the following exception when I run my application in Release mode from Visual C++.
Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. at _cexit() at .LanguageSupport._UninitializeDefaultDomain(Void * cookie) at .LanguageSupport.UninitializeDefaultDomain() at .LanguageSupport.DomainUnload(Object source, Eve ntArgs arguments) at .ModuleUninitializer.SingletonDomainUnload(Objec t source, EventArgs arguments)
This doesn't happen in Debug mode. Initially, I saw this exception on my home computer, but not work computer. When I continued to develop on my work computer, I ended up bumping into it.
Also, I found that when I added three const std::string variables the exception was thrown. If I removed then then all went well.
Another piece of information: I've found that turning off all the compiler optimizations in Release mode makes the exception go away
Something fishy is going on. Any ideas on how to track this down?
Thanks for the help, Joe