If CE is the same as XP Pro (and I'm not sure you're right about that), you can use the same method:
dir && echo hello
Here it is running on my Windows VM (XP SP3):
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax>dir && echo hello
Volume in drive C is Primary
Volume Serial Number is 04F7-0E7B
Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Pax
29/06/2009 05:00 PM <DIR> .
29/06/2009 05:00 PM <DIR> ..
17/01/2009 12:38 PM <DIR> Desktop
: : :
29/06/2009 05:00 PM 4,487 _viminfo
14 File(s) 51,658 bytes
9 Dir(s) 13,424,406,528 bytes free
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax>
Some of the useful multi-command options are:
cmd1 & cmd2 - run cmd1 then run cmd2.
cmd1 && cmd2 - run cmd1 then, if cmd1 was successful, run cmd2.
cmd1 || cmd2 - run cmd1 then, if cmd1 was not successful, run cmd2.