In my current project I have data about colors.
Each color is either a real color (with RGB values) or is a "container color" that exist out of multiple layers of colors.
This potentially creates circular references which will have to be caught at application level (but that's another question)
So I have
+ (PK) Id
+ (PK) Id
+ (FK) MotherColorId
+ (FK) ChildColorId
When I add them to my Linq2Sql schema I get weird relations. This makes me doubt my structure.
A color should have 0 to many ColorCompositions (Color.Id => ColorComposition.MotherColorId)
A ColorComposition should have many to 1 color (ColorComposition.ChildColorId => Color.Id)
The first relation is interpreted correctly, but the second one isn't. It's in the wrong direction.
How should I define the last relation in terms of foreign keys?