



You are given all the prime factors of a number, along with their multiplicities (highest powers).
The requirment is to produce all the factors of that number.

Let me give an example:

Prime factors:

  • 2 (power: 3)
  • 3 (power: 1)

(meaning the number is 2^3 * 3^1 = 24)

The expected result is:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24

I'm thinking of doing this (in C#) with some chained custom iterators, one for each prime factor, that would count from 0 to the power of that prime number.

How would you implement this? Use your preferred language.

This is related to problem #23 from Project Euler


I first shoot without an IDE at hand so there might be some errors in there.

struct PrimePower
    public PrimePower(Int32 prime, Int32 power) : this()
        this.Prime = prime;
        this.Power = power;

    public Int32 Prime { get; private set; }
    public Int32 Power { get; private set; }

And then just this recursive function.

public IEnumerable<Int32> GetFactors(IList<PrimePowers> primePowers, Int32 index)
    if (index < primePowers.Length() - 1)
        Int32 factor = 1;
        for (Int32 p = 0; p <= primePowers[index].Power; p++)
            yield return factor * GetFactors(primePowers, index + 1);
            factor *= primePowers[index].Prime;
    else if (index = primePowers.Length() - 1)
        Int32 factor = 1;
        for (Int32 p = 0; p <= primePowers[index].Power; p++)
            yield return factor * GetFactors(primePowers, index + 1);
            factor *= primePowers[index].Prime;
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

It could also be an extension method and IList<PrimerPower> could probably weakened to IEnumerable<PrimePower> with a few Skip() and Take() calls. I don't like passing the index around, too, but the alternative would be copying the prime power list for each call. In consequence I think a iterative solution would be preferable - going to add one if I have an IDE again.

Daniel Brückner
+2  A: 

Consider all possible combinations of powers. For each combination, raise the primes to their corresponding power, and multiply the result.

>>> from functools import reduce
>>> from itertools import product, starmap
>>> from operator import mul 
>>> def factors(prime_factors):
...     primes, powers = zip(*prime_factors)
...     power_combos = product(*(range(p + 1) for p in powers))
...     prime_combos = (zip(primes, c) for c in power_combos)
...     return (reduce(mul, starmap(pow, c)) for c in prime_combos)
>>> sorted(factors([(2, 3), (3, 1)]))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24]

This code uses Python 3.0. Aside from the call to sorted, it makes use of iterators exclusively.

Side remark: too bad this question seems to be rather unpopular. I would like to see e.g. some functional solutions being posted. (I may attempt to write a Haskell solution later.)

+5  A: 
I should note that none of these languages really have a concept of "iterators"... (well, you can make tied arrays in Perl, but that's a pain). However, due to Haskell's laziness, normal lists are like iterators in other languages, but much easier to use.
+2  A: 

If you do not care about the single divisors, but about the sum of all divisors of n you might want to have a look at the Divisor Function:

Thus the sum of the divisors of

n=p_1^{a_1}\cdot p_2^{a_2}\cdots p_k^{a_k}



ymihere typeset for you.
This answer relates more to the actual PE problem than to my question; however, this is a great insight! +1Like the tip as well - is this yours?
Cristi Diaconescu