I've just fixed a very subtle bug in our code, caused by slicing of an exception, and I now want to make sure I understand exactly what was happening.
Here's our base exception class, a derived class, and relevant functions:
class Exception
// construction
Exception(int code, const char* format="", ...);
virtual ~Exception(void);
<snip - get/set routines and print function>
int mCode; // thrower sets this
char mMessage[Exception::MessageLen]; // thrower says this FIXME: use String
class Derived : public Exception {
Derived (const char* throwerSays) : Exception(1, throwerSays) {};
void innercall {
<do stuff>
throw Derived("Bad things happened!");
void outercall {
try {
catch(Exception& e)
printf("Exception seen here! %s %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
throw e;
The bug was of course that outercall ends up throwing an Exception, instead of a Derived. My bug resulted from higher in the call stack attempts to catch the Derived failing.
Now, I just want to make sure I understand - I believe that at the 'throw e' line, a new Exception object is being created, using a default copy constructor. Is that what's really going on?
If so, am I allowed to lock out copy constructors for objects that will be thrown? I'd really prefer this not happen again, and our code has no reason to copy Exception objects (that I know of).
Please, no comments on the fact that we have our own exception hierarchy. That's a bit of old design that I'm working to correct (I'm making good progress. I've gotten rid of the home-grown string class, and many of the home-grown containers.)
UPDATE: To be clear, I had fixed the bug (by changing 'throw e' to 'throw') before I ever asked the question. I was just looking for confirmation of what was going on.