I want to output my own object to a STL stream but with customized formatting. I came up with something like this but since I never used locale and imbue before I have no idea if this makes sense and how to implement MyFacet and operator<<.
So my questions are: does this make sense and how to implement MyFacet and operator<< ?
The following is a simplified example which shows you what I want to do.
struct MyObject
int i;
std::string s;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const MyObject &obj)
if (????)
os << obj.i;
os << obj.s;
MyObject o;
o.i = 1;
o.s = "hello";
std::cout.imbue(locale("", new MyFacet(MyFacet::UseInt)));
std::cout << o << std::endl; // prints "1"
std::cout.imbue(locale("", new MyFacet(MyFacet::UseString)));
std::cout << o << std::endl; // prints "hello"