
Convert wide character strings to boost dates

I need to convert several million dates stored as wide strings into boost dates The following code works. However, it generates a horrible compiler warning and does not seem efficient. Is there a better way? #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp" using namespace boost::gregorian; #include <string> using namespace std; ...

Eclipse Faceted Plugin Project: Facet version not detected correctly

It appears for some reason that the facet version is not detected correctly for library providers. I have the following extension points in open source Galileo (All they do is enable different sets of JSF downloadable libs to appear (for JSF 1.1 and 1.2)): <!-- JSF 1.2 downloadable library provider --> <extension point="org.eclipse...

How to format my own objects when using STL streams?

I want to output my own object to a STL stream but with customized formatting. I came up with something like this but since I never used locale and imbue before I have no idea if this makes sense and how to implement MyFacet and operator<<. So my questions are: does this make sense and how to implement MyFacet and operator<< ? The foll...

How do I stop ThinkingSphinx from querying the database for faceting an MVA field?

I have a index set up so I can facet on category ids, as following: define_index ... has categorizings.category_id, :type => :multi, :facet => true end When I do a query like Listing.facets, I get the correct results in a hash, with each category_id pointing at its count. :) The only problem is Thinking Sphinx runs a database qu...

How do I build a search with the number of results for each category?

I need to show the number of results for a given category, and hide any categories that give no results. Example: This Yahoo!Jobs page shows the number of results in categories like City, Job Category, Experience etc. I work in C#/Asp.Net, and fear that our server will choke without some serious caching and sql optimization. How woul...

Solr Facetting - Showing First 10 results and Other

I am implementing a solution in Solr where I have a lot of values in my facet. As opposed to displaying a long list of values(facets) down the side of my page I want to display the top 10. And also have one for other. For instance I would be faceting on Nationality. So, I do not want to have a list of every nationality, Nor do I want ...

What is 'Facet' in JavaEE?

I wonder not only what is Facet but also what is Facet 'in physical level' (as I understand it's not a separate jar, but what?)? I also wonder how can it affect my application after deploying. I'll explain on real example: I had 2 facets (which were created by IDE): Spring Facet and Web Facet (for jsf). I deployed it to Tomcat and my a...

UTF-16 codecvt facet

Extending from this questions about locales And described in this question: What I really wanted to do was install a codecvt facet into the locale that understands UTF-16 files. I could write my own. But I am not a UTF expert and as such I am sure I would get it nearly correct; but it would break at the most inconvenient time. So I was ...

Faceting with Solr using "string" fields, "text" fields and "copy" fields

Hi, I have a problem with Solr and Faceting and wondering if anyone knows of the fix. I have a work around for it at the minute, however i really want to work out why my query isn't working. Here is my Schema, simplified to make it easier to follow: <fields> <field name="uniqueid" type="string" indexed="true" required="true"/> ...

How to filter results based on order in Solr?

I need to facet inside n documents which are selected like ... ORDER BY something DESC LIMIT 100 Is that possible with Solr? How? ...

List of JSF / Tobago Facets?

Does anybody know a good link with a list of all existign JSF/Tobago facets containing explanation what the facet is good for? Until now I know about the "layout" and "confirmation" facet but I haven't found a website showing up all the other existing facets... Thanks in advance! ...

overriding ctype<wchar_t>

I'm writing a lambda calculus interpreter for fun and practice. I got iostreams to properly tokenize identifiers by adding a ctype facet which defines punctuation as whitespace: struct token_ctype : ctype<char> { mask t[ table_size ]; token_ctype() : ctype<char>( t ) { for ( size_t tx = 0; tx < table_size; ++ tx ) { t[tx] = isal...

Solr and facet search

Does facet searching come built in when you setup your schema or do you have to do some things to set this up? Does it basically work out of the box on all the fields that you have setup to be sortable? then you just use the fq query syntax and it will return the facet xml along with the search results? Is there a nice article on this...

R ggplot2: Arrange facet_grid by non-facet column (and labels using non-facet column)

I have a couple of questions regarding facetting in ggplot2... Let's say I have a query that returns data that looks like this: (note that it's ordered by Rank asc, Alarm asc and two Alarms have a Rank of 3 because their Totals = 1798 for Week 4, and Rank is set according to Total for Week 4) Rank Week Alarm To...

how to change strip.text labels in ggplot with facet and margin=TRUE

I have looked here but still can't figure it out. How do I change the strip.text.x labels in a ggplot with faceting? Specifically I am using facet_grid with margins. The strip.text label for the margin is "(all)" - but since I am in a non-english speaking country I would rather write "Total" or something similar in my native tongue. opt...

How well does Solr scale over large number of facet values?

I'm using Solr and I want to facet over a field "group". Since "group" is created by users, potentially there can be a huge number of values for "group". Would Solr be able to handle a use case like this? Or is Solr not really appropriate for facet fields with a large number of values? I understand that I can set facet.limit to rest...

Smooth Error in qplot from ggplot2

I have some data that I am trying to plot faceted by its Type with a smooth (Loess, LM, whatever) superimposed. Generation code is below: testFrame <- data.frame(Time=sample(20:60,50,replace=T),Dollars=round(runif(50,0,6)),Type=sample(c("First","Second","Third","Fourth"),50,replace=T,prob=c(.33,.01,.33,.33))) I have no problem either...

Solr - retrieving facet counts for unfiltered version of query

I'm using Solr for searching, and recently started using faceting to allow users to narrow their search. However, once the user filters by one of the facets, the other filter options are no longer returned in the facet results. This is expected, but not what I'd like. Is there some way to return the facet fields and counts for the unf...

SOLR date faceting and BC / BCE dates / negative date ranges

Date ranges including BC dates is this possible? I would like to return facets for all years between 11000 BCE (BC) and 9000 BCE (BC) using SOLR. A sample query might be with date ranges converted to ISO 8601: q=*:*&facet.date=myfield_earliestDate&facet.date.end=-92009-01-01T00:00:00&facet.date.gap=%2B1000YEAR&facet.date.other=all&fa...

Indexing Fields with SOLR and LowerCaseFilterFactory

I have a Field defined as <fieldType name="text_ws_lc" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100"> <analyzer type="index"> <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/> <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generateWordParts="1" generateNumberParts="1" catenateWords="1" catenateNumbers="1" catenateAll=...