
distinct SOLR field values without count

Hi, My question is pretty similar to this question The difference, I'd need the least RAM intensive way to gather information about the distinct values. I DON'T care for the actual count in this case, I just want to know the possible values for that field. I'm constantly running out of heap space (30 million+ documents) and there has to ...

can I change the position of the strip label in ggplot from the top to the bottom?

I know this is not quite a data visualization issue, but the boss asked for it, so I need to figure out if it is possible. Thanks! ...

how to change the width of the gaps between the panels in facet in ggplot2?

as title, I have having quite a lot of panels when generating a chart by ggplot, and I think the gap is a bit too wide, can I adjust it? Thanks! ...

Search result to show hits counts on artist and title

While playing with Solr and facets, I wanted to get the count of search hits on title and artist of my music albums. I find that faceting in solr doesn't have a straight forward method to do this since every document in Solr here will have both title and artist and the result expected here is count of search hits on each. Following is a...

overlapping y-scales in facet (scale="free")...

Hello, I've been learning ggplot in the last few weeks. Generally, I'm getting things done (slowly though), but now I'm stuck. I created the following facetted plot: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7752237/example_bad_y_scales.pdf Faceting is done by pl <- pl + facet_wrap(~sci_name,ncol=1,scale="free") The Problem: Numbers on the y-scale d...

Solr facets on unique values of fields

I have a document structure in Solr that looks something like this (irrelevant fields excluded): <field name="review_id" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true"/> <field name="product_id" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true"/> <field name="product_category" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/> product_id ...

Is there a storage of std::locale source files?

I need std::locale class, that defines ru_RU.CP1251 standart facets (ctype, collate, numeric, …). I feel sombody have released all main locales. Is there a libraries, or source files storage where I can download it and just include in my project like this, for example: #include <some_lib\ru_locale.hpp> // library #include <locale> #inc...

Unexpected keyword argument 'faceted'

I am trying to implement search with Django haystack and solr, but I get this error when trying to implement faceted searching on a SearchIndex and then trying to run the server: TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'faceted' Here is the SearchIndex: import datetime from haystack.indexes import * from haystack impo...

Drupal facet change layout

Is there any way to change the layout of a facet? I know you can create a file in the template dir named: block-apachesolr_search-[field].tpl.php The problem I am having is that at this stage the html in the block variable has already been created. Is there any way to change the html or just get the elements of the facet? Thanks!! ...

SOLR - How to have facet counts restricted to rows returned in resultset

/select/?q=*:*&rows=100&facet=on&facet.field=category Say I have around a lakh documents indexed. But i return only 100 documents using rows=100. The facet counts returned for category, however return the counts for all documents indexed. Can we somehow restrict the facets to the resultset returned? i.e 100 rows only? ...