



Yesterday I started looking at F# during some spare time. I thought I would start with the standard problem of printing out all the prime numbers up to 100. Heres what I came up with...

open System

let mutable divisable = false
let mutable j = 2

for i = 2 to 100 do
    j <- 2
    while j < i do
        if i % j = 0 then divisable <- true
        j <- j + 1

    if divisable = false then Console.WriteLine(i)
    divisable <- false

The thing is I feel like I have approached this from a C/C# perspective and not embraced the true functional language aspect.

I was wondering what other people could come up with - and whether anyone has any tips/pointers/suggestions. I feel good F# content is hard to come by on the web at the moment, and the last functional language I touched was HOPE about 5 years ago in university.

+1  A: 

Simple but inefficient suggestion:

  • Create a function to test whether a single number is prime
  • Create a list for numbers from 2 to 100
  • Filter the list by the function
  • Compose the result with another function to print out the results

To make this efficient you really want to test for a number being prime by checking whether or not it's divisible by any lower primes, which will require memoisation. Probably best to wait until you've got the simple version working first :)

Let me know if that's not enough of a hint and I'll come up with a full example - thought it may not be until tonight...

Jon Skeet
I would implement that using the Sieve of Eratosthenes ( ). I can imagine that to be quite usable for a functional approach (though I don't know anything at all about F#)
+3  A: 

HubFs (which is usually good for F# content) has an example which leverages a lot of F# functionality.

The focus of the article is on parallelising this operation across multiple cores but the example is instructive as to how to think 'functionally'.

Brian Agnew
Very cool. The parallelization is sweet (thats obviously what the article is about), but there are faster algorithms than trial division.
I confess prime numbers isn't my strong point(!) so I'm not able to judge the quality of implementation, beyond the 'functional programming' mindset (which I still find somewhat alien)
Brian Agnew
+1 Good find... Also liked the ASP.NET/F# blog :)
+2  A: 

Using a Sieve function like Eratosthenes is a good way to go. Functional languages work really well with lists, so I would start with that in mind for struture.

On another note, functional languages work well constructed out of functions (heh). For a functional language "feel" I would build a Sieve function and then call it to print out the primes. You could even split it up--one function builds the list and does all the work and one goes through and does all the printing, neatly separating functionality.

There's a couple of interesting versions here. And there are well known implementations in other similar languages. Here's one in OCAML that beats one in C.

+1 for the Sieve article
+2  A: 

Here is a simple implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes in F#:

let rec sieve = function
    | (p::xs) -> p :: sieve [ for x in xs do if x % p > 0 then yield x ]
    | []      -> []

let primes = sieve [2..50]
printfn "%A" primes  // [2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29; 31; 37; 41; 43; 47]

This implementation won't work for very large lists but it illustrates the elegance of a functional solution.

Ray Vernagus
Nice, but I think that "List.filter (fun x -> x % p > 0) xs" would be more idiomatic than the explicit list comprehension.
Keep in mind that that's not a real sieve. That algorithm is very slow (bad asymptotic complexity compared to the real sieve).
Let me explain the difference. The Sieve of Eratosthenes only marks off multiples of the current prime number (`p` in your code). So this is # of multiples of the current prime number steps. Your code however performs a divisibility test for all remaining numbers, not just the multiples. As the numbers get large there are far more non-multiples than multiples, so your algorithm does a lot of extra work compared to the real sieve.
The idea comes from this awesome paper:
Thanks for the info, very interesting! This code was just a port of the Haskell example found on the above link.
Ray Vernagus

You definitely do not want to learn from this example, but I wrote an F# implementation of a NewSqueak sieve based on message passing:

type 'a seqMsg =   
    | Die   
    | Next of AsyncReplyChannel<'a>   

type primes() =   
    let counter(init) =   
        MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->   
            let rec loop n =   
                async { let! msg = inbox.Receive()   
                        match msg with   
                        | Die -> return ()   
                        | Next(reply) ->   
                            return! loop(n + 1) }   
            loop init)   

    let filter(c : MailboxProcessor<'a seqMsg>, pred) =   
        MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->   
            let rec loop() =   
                async {   
                    let! msg = inbox.Receive()   
                    match msg with   
                    | Die ->   
                    | Next(reply) ->   
                        let rec filter' n =   
                            if pred n then async { return n }   
                                async {let! m = c.AsyncPostAndReply(Next)   
                                       return! filter' m }   
                        let! testItem = c.AsyncPostAndReply(Next)   
                        let! filteredItem = filter' testItem   
                        return! loop()   

    let processor = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->   
        let rec loop (oldFilter : MailboxProcessor<int seqMsg>) prime =   
            async {   
                let! msg = inbox.Receive()   
                match msg with   
                | Die ->   
                | Next(reply) ->   
                    let newFilter = filter(oldFilter, (fun x -> x % prime <> 0))   
                    let! newPrime = oldFilter.AsyncPostAndReply(Next)   
                    return! loop newFilter newPrime   
        loop (counter(3)) 2)   

    member this.Next() = processor.PostAndReply( (fun reply -> Next(reply)), timeout = 2000)

    interface System.IDisposable with
        member this.Dispose() = processor.Post(Die)

    static member upto max =   
        [ use p = new primes()
          let lastPrime = ref (p.Next())
          while !lastPrime <= max do
            yield !lastPrime
            lastPrime := p.Next() ]

Does it work?

> let p = new primes();;

val p : primes

> p.Next();;
val it : int = 2
> p.Next();;
val it : int = 3
> p.Next();;
val it : int = 5
> p.Next();;
val it : int = 7
> p.Next();;
val it : int = 11
> p.Next();;
val it : int = 13
> p.Next();;
val it : int = 17
> primes.upto 100;;
val it : int list
= [2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29; 31; 37; 41; 43; 47; 53; 59; 61; 67; 71;
   73; 79; 83; 89; 97]

Sweet! :)

Easy bit of code there for someone who has been doing it a day :). Probably pass on your example, but thanks lol...

Here is my old post at HubFS about using recursive seq's to implement prime number generator.

For case you want fast implementation, there is nice OCaml code by Markus Mottl

P.S. if you want to iterate prime number up to 10^20 you really want to port primegen by D. J. Bernstein to F#/OCaml :)
