




is there a way to show the icon for maven site documentation if using a freestlye project (I switched to a freestyle project rather than maven2 project because of certain bugs - i.e. cobertura graph not showing up on front page, double unit test coverage counting when running cobertura)

+2  A: 
Robert Munteanu
i will try that. on a related note, do you know if it is possible to declare zip files as artifacts to archive? i tried that and hudson choked.
Jeff Storey
It really should be possible - you can archive jars. Perhaps the zip files are very large? Nevertheless, if it does not work, it's a bug.
Robert Munteanu
so I tried with the site/** but the it shows all of the html links under the artifacts. what I really want is to do is show the link to the main page.
Jeff Storey
How about setting a link in the build description to workspace/site?
Robert Munteanu
I can try that. I noticed that when using a maven2 project, hudson automatically creates a site directory in the main under .hudson/jobs/<project>. I wonder if there's any way to emulate that.
Jeff Storey
I'm going to try adding a task after the build to create that for me.
Jeff Storey
That worked, except I can't figure out how hudson configured the http://myserver:8080/hudson/job/<job-name>/site/ link to point to the correct directory.
Jeff Storey
Last comment here - I ended up just setting up another job for generating the site documentation that runs less frequently anyway.
Jeff Storey