I have a C++/CLI System::Windows::Forms::UserControl
derived control which should only redraw (a small portion of) itself as new data is fed into it. For some reason though, the OnPaint mechanism is being called even when there's nothing to cause it external to the app.
Here's a snippet:
void Spectrogram::OnPaint(System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs ^e)
// Overidden to stop the background being painted(?)
void Spectrogram::AddNewFFTData( float* data, int fataWidth )
Graphics^ gfx = CreateGraphics();
//now do some drawing
So I call the add data method to add some new data which should in theory write over the previous entry (which clears some highlighting) and write the new entry.
Back in the day I used to develop MFC/OpenGL apps and one of the first things I'd do would be to override the OnEraseBackground
method. As far as I can see though, there's no obvious way of stopping it being erased. What have I missed?