One of my lecturers at University called this the "nodding bear". He said that every development team should have a nodding bear because it will solve 90% of your problems very quickly.
The idea is simple. Somewhere in the office you should install a stuffed toy (the bear) that does nothing but nod when someone talks to it. When you have a problem you consult the nodding bear before disturbing any of your colleagues - and hopefully before you spend hours staring at your code. Nine times out of ten the bear will reveal the answer to you without even saying a word!
I believe the Nodding Bear pre-dates the publication of the Rubber Duck in The Pragmatic Programmer. My memory of Uni isn't that good, but I think Terry Woodings should be credited with the Nodding Bear.
I suggest you practice this technique often. I like the form where you start an email to other developers describing the problem - if you find the solution by writing the email, then complete and send the email with the solution as this is useful (or at least entertaining!) for everyone to read.