




My Qt4 apps with a QMenuBar show up fine under Linux and Windows, but will not display under OSX. I have a Xeon 64bit Mac Pro with OSX 10.5.7. I'm using Qt 4.5.2. I've tried building my apps with qmake -spec macx-g++ and using an xcode project. Neither seem to work. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks, Regis


QMenuBar on Mac OS X

QMenuBar on Mac OS X is a wrapper for using the system-wide menu bar. If you have multiple menu bars in one dialog the outermost menu bar (normally inside a widget with widget flag Qt::Window) will be used for the system-wide menu bar.

QMenuBar documentation

+1  A: 

Your menu should be displayed in the top-level Mac menu. A full desktop screenshot and a code sample would help.

Michaël Larouche
Ha! Well, I feel pretty stupid. I'm brand new to Macs so I overlooked this obvious solution. Thanks!
You should set this answer as accepted, it increases our reputation ;)
Michaël Larouche