Hey all,
I was trying all of yesterday to try and integrate a SQL Database with SmartGWT for a lazy list but I just couldn't figure out how to implement it. (JavaDoc, and example of a lazy list)
What I want to do is create a list of a bunch of "sites" all over the world. The problem is there will probably be about a million of them, so I'm trying to load as few as possible at a time. Each site in my DB has an address, so I'm trying to sort them in the tree structure like (Country->State->City->Sites). Every time you go down a level there will be a query to the DB asking for all of the next level (Whether that be all the cities that have sites in the state chosen, or what ever).
Any help is greatly appreciated.
ALSO: In the example linked the folders and leafs are the type of element, is there a way to keep folders, folders, and then leafs a separate type of object?