



I have the below query which will delete data from multiple tables

its not working

please help me :

DoCmd.RunSQL ("delete tblTesting,tblCodes,tblContract,tblScheduled,tblAbsense,tblClock from tblTesting,tblCodes,tblContract,tblScheduled,tblAbsense,tblClock where tblTesting.TestId = " & lstResults.Column(1) & " And tblTesting.Empid = " & Me.txtEmpIdSearch.Value & " And (tblTesting.Empid= tblCodes.EmpId Or tblTesting.Empid= tblContract.EmpId Or tblTesting.Empid= tblScheduled.EmpId Or tblTesting.Empid= tblAbsense.EmpId Or tblTesting.Empid= tblClock.EmpId ) ")
+4  A: 

Your SQL statement is wrong. You cannot delete from multiple tables that way. See here how it is done, table by table.

Otávio Décio
And remember to do the table deletes in the correct order. The Parent table must be deleted from last when foreign key relationships are in effect.

You need to do it one table at a time, but apart from the fact that you cannot delete from multiple tables that way, you should not specify columns in the delete clause - delete is always dealing with entire rows.

+1  A: 

Your deletes will have to be one table at a time - that is just how SQL works. Some tools will let you put several SQL statements together in a string:

"delete table1 where RowId=123; delete table2 where RowID=456; delete table3 where RowID=789;"

Just verified that this method does NOT work in Access. So you are looking at a separate DoCmd.RunSQL line for each table.

Unless, of course, these are all parent/child tables and you can turn on cascading deletes. Then just delete from the parent table and enjoy the magic.
