What recommendations do you have for a Subversion client that supports Microsofts standard SCC API?
So far, I've found two possibilities:
- TortoiseSVN SCC. Seems neither mature, active nor supported (no release since Jan 2005)
- SVN Plugin from PushOK. Commercial, with pricing hidden behind a login page.
Neither of these seem particularly compelling - so I figured I'd turn to StackOverflow.
What Subversion clients are there that support the SCC API, suitable for use with Sybase PowerBuilder?
Open source preferred, but commercial solutions considered - quality/reliability is more important than cost (within reason).
Background information: Subversion server running v1.6, and other work is already using both TortoiseSVN and AnkhSVN as clients.
Update: Why not use TortoiseSVN and be done with it?
Part of my problem is a peculiarity of the way that Powerbuilder works - all of the pieces of your application are stored inside a PBL ("pibble") file. Using source control at the file system level, you can only check in/out the entire application. If you want to manage things piece by piece, you have to do it from inside PowerBuilder, through an SCC based integration.
Update: What's with those PBL files?
Some more details for those who are interested.
PowerBuilder stores its code inside PowerBuilder Libraries (PBLs) and not as individual ASCII text files [this] adds a layer of complexity to integration. (http://pbdj.sys-con.com/node/42500)