How to Convert a Bitmap-like struct into an HDC?
I am now writting image processing program in c++, gdi.
If I got a HDC. I can draw whatever I like on the HDC in gdi by the following code.
// HDC is handy.
HDC dc;
dc.DrawXXX // I can draw using gdi method.
Graphics gr(dc); // now I can also draw on the dc using gdi+ method.
My Application is based on FreeImage. I make of fipImage. ( use data struct like Bitmap )
However if I want to draw on fipWinImage, now I have to copy fipWinImageto Bitmap, then draw on the Bitmap, and finally convert the bitmap into fipImage again, which is time comsuming and memory comsuming.
Convert fipImage to Bitmap -> Draw on the bitmap -> convert bitmap to fipWinImage
fipWinImage imagefip;
Bitmap* tempImg = new Bitmap(imagefip->GetWidth(), imagefip.GetHeigt(), PixelFormat24bppRGB); // memory comsuming is image is large
Graphics *pGr = Graphics::FromImage(tempImg);
HDC dc = pGr->GetHDC();
RECT rec;
rec.left = 0; = 0;
rec.right = imagefip.GetWidth();
rec.bottom = imagefip.GetHeight();
fipImage.draw(dc, rec); // using stretchdibits()
Graphics gr(tempImg);
HDC dc = gr.GetHDC(); // Get an Hdc, draw using gdi method
gr.ReleaseHDC(tempDC); //
gr.drawXXX // Draw using gdi+ method.
fipWinImage fipImg; // final result fipWinImage.
Color color;
tempImg->GetHBITMAP(color, &temp);
I want to construct a HDC directly from fipImage. and draw directly on fipWinImage How can I do this?