You should use both. Asserts are for your convenience as a developer. Exceptions catch things you missed or didn't expect during runtime.
I've grown fond of glib's error reporting functions instead of plain old asserts. They behave like assert statements but instead of halting the program, they just return a value and let the program continue. It works surprisingly well, and as a bonus you get to see what happens to the rest of your program when a function doesn't return "what it's supposed to". If it crashes, you know that your error checking is lax somewhere else down the road.
In my last project, I used these style of functions to implement precondition checking, and if one of them failed, I would print a stack trace to the log file but keep on running. Saved me tons of debugging time when other people would encounter a problem when running my debug build.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define RETURN_IF_FAIL(expr) do { \
if (!(expr)) \
{ \
fprintf(stderr, \
"file %s: line %d (%s): precondition `%s' failed.", \
__FILE__, \
__LINE__, \
#expr); \
::print_stack_trace(2); \
return; \
}; } while(0)
#define RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL(expr, val) do { \
if (!(expr)) \
{ \
fprintf(stderr, \
"file %s: line %d (%s): precondition `%s' failed.", \
__FILE__, \
__LINE__, \
#expr); \
::print_stack_trace(2); \
return val; \
}; } while(0)
#define RETURN_IF_FAIL(expr)
#define RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL(expr, val)
If I needed runtime checking of arguments, I'd do this:
char *doSomething(char *ptr)
RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL(ptr != NULL, NULL); // same as assert(ptr != NULL), but returns NULL if it fails.
// Goes away when debug off.
if( ptr != NULL )
return ptr;