




I am trying to deploy my app to my server using capistrano

I am in a Git Bash and have commited everything and setup deloy.rb file and remote repo on Github.

Now when i try and cap command even cap -h from Git bash i get error : sh.exe": cap: command not found

I am in the correct dir.

It seems Git Bash is not linked to capistrano.

Please help as cant find anything one this isssue and have been trying to deploy for days !

thanks alot rick

+1  A: 

Git Bash, unlike the Windows command prompt, only looks in the PATH environment variable for executables and does not look in the current directory. Either specify the full path to the cap executable (if it is in the current dir then use ./cap) or add its location to the PATH variable, and you'll be able to run it.
Note that you'll have to close git bash and start it again for the environment variables to be updated after you change them.


thanks alot spatz for that help

I have added this to my path C:\InstantRails\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\capistrano-2.5.8\bin

now when i run cap -h in Git Bash i get this error

/usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory

do you know what i am doing wrong ?

thanks alot rick

You should probably also add the ruby dir to the PATH variable.Also, please comment on the answer instead of posting an "answer" with a question.