



Hi, I'm working on a java applet, and I was wondering where the heck System.out was going in Ubuntu/OpenSUSE. In windows, I just pull up jconsole, but I've not found this in Ubuntu/OpenSUSE.


+2  A: 

Run the command jcontrol. On the Advanced tab expand Java console and select Show console. Restart Firefox and the console should open the next time you open a Java applet in the browser.

This requires a host and port (sudo apt-get install julius). jcontrol localhost says connection refused.
Stefan Kendall
jcontrol does neither require a host nor a port. It's a simple UI application. Do you have a Xserver running? Sounds like it cannot connect to the Xserver. Can you run xclock?
And what's 'julius'? jcontrol is part of the Sun JRE/JDK.
Is jcontrol just not on the path, then? Yick.
Stefan Kendall
Ah, I see. jcontrol in ubuntu pulls up misleading information. I needed to setup the jdk on my test machines.
Stefan Kendall
Well, on my Ubuntu intrepid it's on the path. There is a symlink in /usr/bin/jcontrol. What does 'locate jcontrol' or 'which jcontrol' say? jcontrol is part of sun-java6-bin. Do you have this package installed?
I installed sun-java6-jdk and I was good to go. If you type "jcontrol" without the jdk installed, you're directed to the julius package.
Stefan Kendall
+1  A: 

Also, you can run firefox from the terminal to see jconsole output. Jconsole output goes to firefox's standard out.

Stefan Kendall
Unlike the `jcontrol` solution, this works with OpenJDK as well. Thanks!