Unless you had a very large app i wouldn't worry about tools. You can generally zero in on any bottlenecks with a few debug.print
statements and Timer()
The code below i've ripped from a very pedantic answer on array resizing :)
Try commenting out the msgbox() and you'll see a nice little debug msg at the bottom of your code window.
Option Explicit
Sub RedimTest()
Dim tA, tB As Single
tA = RedimTestA(1000000)
tB = RedimTestB(1000000)
MsgBox "Test A takes : " & tA & ", and Test B takes : " & tB
End Sub
Function RedimTestA(iterations As Long) As Single
Dim t As Single
Dim i As Long
Dim aryString() As String
Dim myString As String
t = Timer
Do While i <= iterations
ReDim Preserve aryString(i) As String
aryString(i) = "ABCEFG123"
i = i + 1
RedimTestA = Timer - t
Debug.Print "RedimTestA: " & Format(RedimTestA, "#0.0000ms")
End Function
Function RedimTestB(iterations As Long) As Single
Dim t As Single
Dim i As Long
Dim aryString() As String
Dim myString As String
t = Timer
ReDim aryString(0) As String
Do While i <= iterations
If i >= UBound(aryString) Then
ReDim Preserve aryString(i * 2) As String
End If
aryString(i) = "ABCEFG123"
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve aryString(i - 1) As String ' i - 1 becuase of the final i = i + 1
RedimTestB = Timer - t
Debug.Print "RedimTestB: " & Format(RedimTestB, "#0.0000ms")
End Function