I have a VB6 backend for a classic ASP site. That VB then calls a web service on the same server using MSXML2.XMLHTTP. This works all of our servers but one. If I set the web service site to accept anonymous login it will work however if I force only integrated security MSXML returns an Access Denied error.
I'm using code from the example here.
Set objDom = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
Set objXmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
' Load XML
objDom.async = False
objDom.loadXML XmlBody
' Open the webservice
objXmlHttp.Open "POST", AsmxUrl, False
' Create headings
objXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
objXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", SoapActionUrl
' Send XML command
objXmlHttp.send objDom.xml
Edit: Following the advice of AnthonyWJones I went down the checklist and it still isn't working. Using Fiddler it shows a single request with a 401 response. The authentication tab shows:
No Proxy-Authenticate Header is present.
WWW-Authenticate Header is present: Negotiate
WWW-Authenticate Header is present: NTLM
I did notice an odd behavior though. When I call the website using the credentials of the user that's logged into remote desktop it will work. I get negotiate, challenge, then a 200 and it will work. Any ideas why this would work when the user is logged on through remote desktop but not other times?