



I'm moved from Windows to Ubuntu Linux, and now I want to set up development environment here. The problem is that I need

  1. C/C++ IDE comparable to Visual Studio
  2. Way to generate Windows PE binaries
  3. Way do debug Windows PE binaries

At first time I tried Code::Blocks. Here I find guide to setting it up for cross-development so I managed to get "Hello World" compiled and running under Wine. Moreover, debugging worked too.

But then I found that Eclipse + CDT plugin is far more advanced IDE. I spent some time and finally get project compiled and linked.

Now I'm trying to get MinGW Insight version of GDB working within Eclipse CDT. Simple way to use debugger described in Code::Blocks guide won't work anymore. I continue to receive "Error creating session" messages.

So my question is, how I can use MinGW GDB under Wine as debugger back-end in Eclipse? Or, what is best IDE for Linux->Windows cross-development?