I have a report that tracks how long certain items have been in the database, and does so by tracking it over a series of age ranges (20-44, 45-60, 61-90, 91-180, 180+). I have the following query as the data source of the report:
Count(SELECT Source.DateAdded FROM Source WHERE Int(Date()-Source.DateAdded) > 20) AS Total,
Count(SELECT Source.DateAdded FROM Source WHERE Int(Date()-Source.DateAdded) BETWEEN 20 AND 44) AS BTWN_20_44,
Count(SELECT Source.DateAdded FROM Source WHERE Int(Date()-Source.DateAdded) BETWEEN 45 AND 60) AS BTWN_45_60,
Count(SELECT Source.DateAdded FROM Source WHERE Int(Date()-Source.DateAdded) BETWEEN 61 AND 90) AS BTWN_61_90,
Count(SELECT Source.DateAdded FROM Source WHERE Int(Date()-Source.DateAdded) BETWEEN 91 AND 180) AS BTWN_91_180,
Count(SELECT Source.DateAdded FROM Source WHERE Int(Date()-Source.DateAdded) > 180) AS GT_180
FROM Source
GROUP BY Source.ItemName;
This query works great, except if there aren't any entries a column. Instead of returning a count of 0, an empty value is returned.
How do I get Count() to return a 0 instead of empty?